Head's Headline
It has been a busy spring term with Year 11 sitting their mocks, four successful parents’ evenings, Year 9 making their GCSE subject choices and our first school ski trip for Years 9 and 12. This year’s production, Frozen the musical, was a roaring success with the staff, cast and crew who put on a fantastic performance showcasing their many talents. The production was enjoyed by all, including local primary schools who were invited to watch the dress rehearsals. A special thank you to the Creative Arts Faculty for all their hard work in producing such a stellar performance.
There have been many sporting triumphs this term, most recently the Year 7 girls netball team, who won their league, and the Year 11 boys’ football team who played Immanuel College in the district final and are reigning champions, winning 4 - 1. Congratulations to all students who competed, these are fantastic achievements that reflect the students' hard work and dedication. At the start of next term the U13 girls’ team will be playing their county cup final and could become our first ever county champions for football.
Year 11 students received their predicted grades at the GCSE Examinations evening last week where parents and students were given information and advice regarding the best way to prepare for exams and support with revision. We continue to encourage students to attend exam-ready classes to help further support them with their upcoming GCSEs.
The end of this term will see the departure of Miss Ridge as she leaves Croxley Danes after almost five years of dedicated service to the school and its students. Miss Ridge has helped shape our school in its formative years and as such has made a huge contribution to the successful Ofsted Inspection of January 2022 and the successful GCSE results last summer. The school owes a huge debt of gratitude to her and we wish Miss Ridge all the best in her new appointment as a Deputy Headteacher in a school in London.
I hope you all enjoy a restful, happy and safe Easter holiday and look forward to welcoming the students back in the summer term.
Headteacher, Croxley Danes School
Frozen the musical
On 17-21st March we were delighted to open our theatre doors to staff, students and parents to attend this year’s production of Frozen the musical. It was a huge success with all four nights sold out.
Watford Festival of Speech and Drama Winner
Congratulations to Jessica R in Year 9 for winning first place in the Drama Category at the Watford Festival of Speech and Drama. She competed against just under 30 other young people in the Year 7 - 9 category. Well done Jessica for bringing home the trophy, a fantastic achievement that you should be very proud of.
Earth Day Song
A group of Year 7 students visited Little Green this week to participate in a recording of a song for Earth Day alongside students from Malvern Way, Little Green and Yorke Mead. The song is called 'One World' and it highlights how precious our world is and what we need to do to look after it.
The students who participated were a credit to Croxley Danes and we look forward to hearing the song for Earth Day next month.
Sixth Form photoshoot
Our inaugural Year 12 students recently put on their best smiles and took part in a photoshoot to showcase our facilities and offering at Croxley Danes Sixth Form. These photos will be used in our prospectus and on our website to promote the school to prospective students for years to come. Thank you to everyone that took part - you all did a great job!
This Girl Can - School Games Workshop
A select group of Year 7 girls were invited to take part in a This Girl Can workshop this month where they took part in team building and confidence sessions, learned new sports such as pickleball and roundnet, and were given the opportunity to meet professional athlete Jenna Downing, an inspiring world champion professional inline skater. The event hoped to encourage more girls to take up sports and our PE faculty leaders are looking forward to implementing at Croxley Danes what they learned in the sessions.
PTA update
We would like to extend huge congratulations to all the staff and students involved in the production of Frozen, and thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event. It was a phenomenal success, and showcased the amazing talent we have at the school.
We would love to welcome more volunteers to help with the PA, and all parents/carers are welcome to attend our meetings. You can contact us at croxleydanespta@gmail.com or find us on Facebook and Twitter by searching CroxleyDanesPA or visit our page on the school website.