Ergodesign and UX in HCI

Algorithmic Awareness and the Digital Divides: paths to human-centered design algorithm 

Despite of the broad usage of Artificial Intelligence the algorithmic awareness has less focus. The Big Data phenomenon results in generalist profiles that are not very sensitive to the particularities, limitations and specific privileges. Being aware brings the possibility of having more critical choices, promoting digital contributions more democratic. This is a powerful digital ability that emancipates users and also demonstrates the worsening of unequal opportunities. The wide digital activity on the network generates a cultural and social variety . However, digital gaps are created mirroring exclusions with the majority male playing roles on technological development. We must not parallel the reality of our societies replaying behaviors that foster prejudice and social inequalities. We need to break through the bubble of traditional professional environments and think about technology from a new perspectives and for everyone. The research proposes insert the Human Centered Design as a tool to mitigate biases by bringing clarity, intuition, usability to these digital experiences that must be touch points of an experience that will create elasticity and diversity on interactions.

How to increase people awareness of personal data processing through user interface design

In the age of ubiquitous computing, many digital systems share the need to access personal data to function properly. The capture, processing and use of the type of this data takes place from digital interfaces in an automated way. This allows for the collection of a large volume of data for filtering and further analysis from the moment the user consents to provide them or reaffirms their agreement to the privacy policy updates. In the name of usability, data processing and storage mechanisms often remain opaque and, at the same time, user consent on this process is mandatory for companies nowadays. A lot of relevant information that should be available throughout the experience for the user to be really aware of what he is consenting to appears only in some moments of his interaction with the digital product or requires an active effort by this person to search for this information. This research proposes to analyze and explore ways to make personal data processing as transparent as possible, providing the user relevant information about what he is giving and what the company will provide him in exchange throughout the entire experience with the digital product.

Interaction with e-commerce post COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has caused changes in digital user behavior and in the area of ​​online business, the e-commerce. Recent literature has reported the rapid change and adaptation of digital user and e-commerce platforms. This change has been observed in several countries around the world, and it is expected that this new context may also have impacted in Brazil, since it is a country with a significant number of digital users who are active consumers on e-commerce platforms. The objective of the study is to characterize the profile of these new digital users and their interaction with e-commerce platforms impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The locus of aesthetic experience in ubiquitous listening

During the second half of the 20th century, phonography reached a differentiated status through the record. Inaugurated with the emergence of vinyl long play, a series of economic and social factors raised the medium to a symbol of high cultural value. The dematerialization of the phonogram at the turn of the following century led to its disintegration and consequent devaluation, a symptom of a crisis in the phonographic industry. Streaming applications, led by Spotify, rescued the industry from the crisis by realigning its business model according to the standards of the access economy, suitable for the digital environment. In the evolution of their artificial intelligence and content curation methods, apps have been practicing a packaging and distribution strategy that privileges a concept that we can define as applied phonography. This notion places listening to recorded music as a means to facilitate other activities or to obtain or maintain certain moods. Such a strategy represents a complete reconfiguration of the function of phonography, undermining the relevance of the field from a cultural point of view and eroding the achievement of an aesthetic experience through streaming platforms. For a segment of users, this subordinate view of music represents an obstacle, both for their enjoyment and for their personal identity. This research intends to investigate the phenomenon described in the previous paragraphs, trying to glimpse alternatives that do not devalue the phonogram and preserve the user experience for which music has a high relevance for their subjectivity.

The effects of different transparency strategies on users' perceptions of In-vehicle Voice Assistants

The goal of this multiphased research project is to explore the use of voice assistants (VAs; Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa) by users. Firstly, we identified which characteristics of voice assistants affect the adoption of those systems by users and explored usability issues through usability testing. Currently, we focus on the factors related to users' mental models of VAs, aiming to offer design recommendations to align users' mental models with  VAs' actual capabilities.