Ana Luiza Gervazoni

Designer & Cybersecurity Analyst

I graduated from the Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) with a degree in Digital Media Design (2018). I have background knowledge of product design and automated retail marketing and I am currently working with Cyber Threat Intelligence and Cybersecurity Awareness. My area of research consists of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User-Centered Design (UCD). My areas of interest include human behavior, technology, data privacy and data protection.

Research Project

How to increase people awareness of personal data processing through user interface design

In the age of ubiquitous computing, many digital systems share the need to access personal data to function properly. The capture and processing of this type of data takes place from digital interfaces in an automated way. This allows the collection of a large volume of data for filtering and further analysis from the moment the user consents to provide them or reaffirms their agreement to the privacy policy updates. In the name of usability, data processing and storage mechanisms often remain opaque and, at the same time, user consent on this process is mandatory for companies nowadays. Relevant information, which should be displayed to the users throughout the experience so as to raise awareness of what they gave consent to, appears only in some moments of their interaction with the digital product or requires an active effort from them to search for this information. This research proposes to analyze and explore ways to make personal data processing as transparent as possible, providing the user relevant information about what he is giving and what the company will provide him in exchange throughout the entire experience with the digital product.