Manuela Quaresma, D.Sc.

Design Researcher & Professor

Researcher with a professional background in Human Factors & Ergonomics, Human-Centered Design (HCD) and Co-Design approach. My professional experience covers user research, user experience (UX), service design and design in physical and digital interface domains. I am passionate about technology and about understanding people. I am a focused and enthusiastic team leader and player who can work with people of different skill sets. Analysis of complex problems and searching for the best solutions that engage user interaction is my skill.


Research Projects

Sustainable MaaS


Manuela Quaresma (coordinator); Carlos Eduardo Félix da Costa;  Claudia Mont'Alvão; João Bonelli; Isabela Motta; Eliza Kronenberger; Mariana Menezes; Gabriela Diniz

Sustainable and Citizen-Centric Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Smart cities are conceptualized primarily as cities supported by information and communication technologies. However, they are also considered sustainable, inclusive, and citizen-centric cities that focus on developing innovative technologies and services that enable their inhabitants' well-being and quality of life, in consonance with environmental preservation. In this context, smart urban mobility is one of the most promising sectors of the smart city. With the help of services like Mobility as a Service (MaaS), the commute of citizens is made easier and optimized, reducing travel time and greenhouse gas emissions emitted by combustion-powered vehicles. MaaS is a platform that integrates multiple public and private transportation modes and services to provide the best possible door-to-door travel experience for citizens by combining trip planning, booking, and payment. However, for MaaS to work seamlessly and with the coordination of all public and private actors, it is necessary to investigate all layers of this system and the process of adapting it to the various characteristics of the city where the platform will be established. It is believed that the best way to investigate and design a MaaS platform is by a human-centered design approach, using co-creation and co-production techniques with multiple actors. Several European Union studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of working with citizen participation under the CIVITAS program on intelligent and sustainable mobility. Thus, considering this approach, an exploratory and experimental investigation of the MaaS concept is proposed, in the development of a platform, from the point of view of the citizen, the actors involved in the cities that compose the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ), and sustainability.

Research Goals 


Expected Outcomes

Smart Mobility


Manuela Quaresma (coordinator); Mariana Burlamaqui; Bárbara Fonseca; Roberta Cordeiro; Júlia Buttel

Considering the increase in urban population and technological advances in intelligent systems such as Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT), new solutions are needed and will be given so that citizens can seamlessly travel through cities in a sustainable way that meets their needs. In this context, it is intended to identify with citizens their needs and desires concerning the future of urban mobility and, with them, elaborate future scenarios and propose innovative solutions that meet their requirements and those of a smart and sustainable city. The results of this research will enable identifying possible user journeys, the specification of service blueprints, the proposition of citizen-centered products and services, as well as indications for the definition of public policies for urban mobility. 

Research Goals 


Expected Outcomes

Interface Design of Automated Vehicles


Manuela Quaresma (coordinator); Isabela Motta; Clara Gavinho; Gabriel Martins; Rafael Cirino Gonçalves

This project deals with the communication issue of the transition of control in automated vehicles in conditional driving systems (SAE level 3 of automation). In this context, the driver's role can be considered an intermediate state between active and passive, as the automated system may present some operation design limitations due to its sensors or route problems, among other issues, and the driver might take over the vehicle control. The problem inherent in the transition of control of the automated vehicle to the driver is that removing the human individual from the decision-making and motor control loops may compromise the driver's performance, and consequently, their ability to take over the vehicle control in time to avoid accidents. To mitigate this issue, the driver needs to receive information such as system status and take over request (TOR) warning, for instance, at the right time and through the right channel, especially when there is a system failure.

Research Goal




AMORIM, V., & QUARESMA, M. (2022). O design de interfaces para a criação de confiança. Blucher Design Proceedings, 864–878.

BOECHAT, C., QUARESMA, M., & MONT’ALVÃO, C. R. (2022). Discussing UX, Human Factors/Ergonomics and Design for autonomous intelligent educational systems. Blucher Design Proceedings, 895–910.

PAULO, B. S. de, & QUARESMA, M. (2022). Interação com redes sociais, bem-estar e a terceira onda de evolução da Inteligência Artificial. Blucher Design Proceedings, 938–951.

QUARESMA, M., FONSECA, B. N. da, & BURLAMAQUI, M. (2022). Jornadas Futuras para a Mobilidade Urbana em Cidades Inteligentes. Blucher Design Proceedings, 952–965.

MOTTA, I. C. da, & QUARESMA, M. (2022). Explorando desafios e oportunidades para aumentar a transparência de Assistentes de Voz (AVs). Blucher Design Proceedings, 983–994.

RUIZ, C., & QUARESMA, M. (2022). O envolvimento do UX designer com projetos de inteligência artificial: sistema de recomendação. Blucher Design Proceedings, 926–937.

CRUZ, L. P. M., PAULO, B. S. de, CORDEIRO, R., & QUARESMA, M. (2022). Avaliação da compreensão na visualização de dados sobre a Segregação Vertical de Gênero. Blucher Design Proceedings, 462–483.

Quaresma, M., & Brito, L. (2022). O Design Centrado no Humano e Seus Desafios na Prática Profissional do UX Designer. In Metodologias de Campo: Perspectivas Interdisciplinares (pp. 193–210). Editora Blucher.

Motta, I., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Exploring the Opinions of Experts in Conversational Design: A Study on Users’ Mental Models of Voice Assistants. In M. Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. User Experience and Behavior. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 13304, pp. 494–514). Springer.

de Paulo, B., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Exploring Links Between the Interaction with Social Media and Subjective Well-Being: An Exploratory Study. In G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), Social Computing and Social Media: Design, User Experience and Impact. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 13315, pp. 47–64). Springer.

Quaresma, M., Soares, M. M., & Correia, M. (2022). UX Concepts and Perspectives – From Usability to User-Experience Design. In Handbook of Usability and User Experience (pp. 3–16). CRC Press.

Quaresma, M., Motta, I., & Gonçalves, R. (2022). Proposals for the Usability of Automated Vehicles’ HMI. In Handbook of Usability and User Experience (pp. 59–80). CRC Press.

Ruiz, C., & Quaresma, M. (2021). Inovação com dados. Human Factors in Design, 10(20).

Gonçalves, R. C., Louw, T. L., Madigan, R., Quaresma, M., Romano, R., & Merat, N. (2022). The effect of information from dash-based human-machine interfaces on drivers’ gaze patterns and lane-change manoeuvres after conditionally automated driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 174, 106726.

de Paulo, B., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Outlining Experience and Well-Being in the Interaction with Social Media Apps. In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 223 (pp. 12–19). Springer, Cham.

Motta, I., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Users’ Error Recovery Strategies in the Interaction with Voice Assistants (VAs). In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 223 (pp. 658–666). Springer, Cham.

Ruiz, C., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Explainable AI for Entertainment: Issues on Video on Demand Platforms. In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 223 (pp. 699–707). Springer, Cham.

Ruiz, C., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Explainable AI for Entertainment: Issues on Video on Demand Platforms. In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 223 (pp. 699–707). Springer, Cham.

de Paulo, B., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Outlining Experience and Well-Being in the Interaction with Social Media Apps. In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 223 (pp. 12–19). Springer, Cham.

Motta, I., & Quaresma, M. (2022). Users’ Error Recovery Strategies in the Interaction with Voice Assistants (VAs). In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 223 (pp. 658–666). Springer, Cham.

Amorim, V., & Quaresma, M. (2021). Using User Journey to map emotional oscillations during CoVID-19 social distancing. Strategic Design Research Journal, 14(1), 149–160.

Cordeiro, R., Cordeiro, F. C., & Quaresma, M. (2021). Citizen Centered Mobility Planning: The Case of the Speed Limits Reduction of São Paulo Highways. In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 221 (pp. 607–614). Springer, Cham.

Motta, I., & Quaresma, M. (2021). Understanding Task Differences to Leverage the Usability and Adoption of Voice Assistants (VAs). In M. M. Soares, E. Rosenzweig, & A. Marcus (Eds.), Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12781 (pp. 483–502). Springer, Cham.

Ruiz, C., & Quaresma, M. (2021). UX Aspects of AI Principles: The Recommender System of VoD Platforms. In M. M. Soares, E. Rosenzweig, & A. Marcus (Eds.), Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12781 (pp. 535–552). Springer, Cham.

Goncalves, R. C., Louw, T. L., Quaresma, M., Madigan, R., & Merat, N. (2020). The effect of motor control requirements on drivers’ eye-gaze pattern during automated driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 148.

Cordeiro, R. C., Mont’Alvão, C., & Quaresma, M. (2020). Citizen data-driven design for pandemic monitoring. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13, 342–354.

Motta, I., Lopes, J., & Quaresma, M. (2020). Interactive Voice Response systems for informing citizens about the COVID-19 pandemic: A study on Brazil’s Disque Saúde. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13, 552–563.

Paulo, B., Damazio, V., & Quaresma, M. (2020). Looking through the window: emotional experiences of Instagram users in isolation. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13, 586–598.

Quaresma, M., & Motta, I. (2019). Co-Creation Workshop for Interface Design - Designing Innovative HMI for Automated Vehicles. Revista Ergodesign&HCI, 7(Especial), 24–35.

Brito, L. D. C., & Quaresma, M. (2019). User-Centered Design in Agile Methodologies. Revista Ergodesign&HCI, 7(Especial), 126–137.

Motta, I., & Quaresma, M. (2019). Opportunities and Issues in the Adoption of Voice Assistants by Brazilian Smartphone Users. Revista Ergodesign&HCI, 7(Especial), 138–149.

Quaresma, M., Motta, I., Araújo, M., & Cirino Gonçalves, R. (2018). The Relationship Between Rhythm Variation and Distance Perception in Auditory In-Vehicle Interfaces. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 1929–1933.

Quaresma, M., Goncalves, R., & Rodrigues, M. (2017). Brazilian Smartphone Users and the Driving Context. The International Journal of Design in Society, 11(3), 11–31.

Gonçalves, R. C., Quaresma, M., & Rodrigues, C. M. (2017). Approaches for loss of vigilance in vehicle automation: a meta-analytical study. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 1871–1875.

Quaresma, M., Gonçalves, R. C., & Rodrigues, M. (2016). Contextual Analysis of Strategies and Interaction Motivations with Smartphones in Vehicles. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 60(1), 1103–1107.

Quaresma, M., Gonçalves, R. C., Oliveira, J., & Rodrigues, M. (2015). The Interaction with Smartphones in the Brazilian Driving Context. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users and Interactions. DUXU 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 575–586). Springer, Cham.

Gonçalves, R. C., & Quaresma, M. (2015). Drivers and Automation: A Study About Cultural and Behavioral Influence in the Interaction with Driver Assistants. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design. DUXU 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9188 (Vol. 9188, pp. 462–472).

Quaresma, M., & Gonçalves, R. (2014). Usability Analysis of Smartphone Applications for Drivers. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for Designing the User Experience. DUXU 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 8517 LNCS, pp. 352–362).

Pauzié, A., & Quaresma, M. (2013). Evaluation of a collaborative mobile application for driver. In Proceedings of 22nd ITS World Congress. Bordeaux: ERTICO.

Quaresma, M. (2012). Assessment of visual demand of typical data entry tasks in automotive navigation systems for iPhone. Work, 41(SUPPL.1), 6139–6144.