Louise Mangia
UX Designer
Bachelor in Industrial Design at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2019) with a complementary formation in Graphic Design at Istituto Europeo di Design - IEDRio (2018). Experience in digital fabrication processes applying 2D and 3D modelling technology. Currently, I am a Master student at the Graduate Program in Design - PPGDesign PUC-Rio and a UX Designer at Tecgraf Institute/PUC-Rio, developing usability tests and user researches. My area of interest and motivation is working with research, innovation and technology in digital design field focused on the human-computer relationship.
Research Project
Interaction with e-commerce post COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 has caused changes in digital user behavior and in the area of online business, the e-commerce. Recent literature has reported the rapid change and adaptation of digital user and e-commerce platforms. This change has been observed in several countries around the world, and it is expected that this new context may also have impacted in Brazil, since it is a country with a significant number of digital users who are active consumers on e-commerce platforms. The objective of the study is to characterize the profile of these new digital users and their interaction with e-commerce platforms impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
ROMERO, A. ; GRANATO, N. M. ; MANGIA, L. H. R. ; RAPPEL, G. ; SANTIAGO, A. ; BRAGA, T. P. . REDEsign: Uma Plataforma Habilitadora para Inovações Sociais Autônomas. In: 13º Congresso Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, 2018, Joinville. 13º Congresso Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design (CATEGORIA INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA), 2018.