Ergodesign and Service Design

How to make cities smarter by integrating co-design and big data

Smart cities need to combine technology with citizens' well-being. The technological advance has enabled the generation of a large volume of urban data, but this information is often not widely exploited and could be used in solutions for urban mobility. This research proposes to explore the integration of big data with citizen participation, analyzing projects that use co-design processes in urban mobility. This combination between big data and co-design would bring an advance both to the field of human-computer interaction, with more technological inputs, and in the humanisation of artificial intelligence.

Redesigning food systems: a more sustainable approach to restaurant services

Restaurants and chefs are in a prominent position in the dissemination of food culture, in creating habits and trends. Replicating and propagating a good food culture is the responsibility of those whose profession is to feed people.  When food becomes an object consumed even without being eaten, the field of immaterial design, with a focus on experience, rather than the simple sale of tangible products, is capable of proposing tools to transform relationships, value origins, build loyalty relationships and transform the consumer into an active participant in the production chain. Design as a process of social integration, engaging effective participation, where the role of the user becomes that of a participant, has the potential for social change. The design of a service that has broad support from the catering industry, attentive to usability and particular profile, intends to provide answers and technical support to restaurants that understand the responsibility and impact they have on society, the economy and environmental preservation. A set of services that symbolize values ​​identified by the consumer, that dialogue with the user experience, with a marketing appeal capable of influencing the entire sector has transformative potential at the local scale, being a first step towards the desired global impact.