Approved Daily Snack List

Mrs. Haney - - (815) 725-8391 x1103

Approved Daily Snack List

The following snacks may be brought to school by your child for a daily snack. Please avoid messy snacks or snacks requiring a utensil, as we work while we snack. If your child brings something that is not on the list, he/she WILL NOT be permitted to eat it (per district rules).

FRESH fruit (apples, bananas, grapes, berries, orange wedges) FRESH vegetables (celery, carrots, broccoli)

Raisins, or other dried fruit SIP-TYPE Yogurt or Applesauce (not the type that requires a spoon)

Pretzels Cheese sticks

Loose Cheerios (NO CEREAL BARS) PLAIN Animal Crackers

PLAIN Crackers - Goldfish, Teddy grahams, Graham crackers, Oyster crackers, Saltines, Wheat thins, Cheez-Its. NOTHING with fillings or dips