District III Music Festival

All 7th and 8th grade performance music students have the opportunity to audition for the District III Middle School Music Festival.  The District middle school teachers and I collaborate to provide auditions for a large regional band, chorus, and orchestra.  We hire excellent guest conductors and organize a 2-day festival and culminating concert at an in-district school.  Drawing from over 15 Chittenden County middle schools, this festival brings together motivated middle school musicians and provides a memorable, motivating, and valuable musical experience for all.

DISTRICT MUSIC FESTIVAL:  auditions for the District Band will be in early November. If selected, students will attend the Festival in early February of 2024.  

Each student must prepare a required solo and scales. More details when the school year starts!

DISTRICT III Jazz Festival:  by nomination, 3 or Stage Band members and several chorus students represent SCS at a smaller, 1-day festival in the spring at a local middle school (TBD). The regional jazz band performs a concert that evening.