AP Environmental Science


Welcome to my AP Environmental Science. I'm excited to get to know  you and and your family so that I can help you achieve your goals! To get a better idea about what you will be learning, specific information about how I grade and to contact me, use the links below.

If you are thinking of taking the class next year and want to understand more about it, a teacher friend made this video explaining what the course is and compares to other AP  courses in terms of difficulty. 

Class Materials: 

I know the start of the school year is a busy time.  My goal is to take some of the pressure off of families by providing the materials students will need in class.  That said, some students prefer to supply their own and it helps to know what my expectations are in advance while the good "back to school" sales are happening.

Students will need these items with them every single day:

Preparing for Assessments

1-2  times  a week there will be AP style questions that over the material we've covered.  These questions are not graded but will help you determine how well you are keeping up so that you can adjust how much time you are studying at home.  This is also a good opportunity for you to figure out whether you understood the material and can apply it to skills based questions.  Students will also have access to a progress check taken on the AP Classroom website.  In order to be fully prepared for the Unit Assessments there are a variety of ways students can study: 

If, after I've gone over the learning objective, you feel you need more practice, or, if you want to preview the material before I go over it so that you have questions prepared you can: 

Students will organize their notes in either a spiral or memo notebook.  I can provide students with their choice of a semester long notebook but students (especially those who are planning on taking the AP Exam) may prefer to provide a larger, 3 subject notebook that they can use all year.  They must have their notebook with them every day in class.   Wish you could do digital notes instead?  Find old school paper notes annoying?  Read this study

I've made a couple of quizlet sets to help you prepare for the course.  They do not contain content specific vocabulary, those terms are in each of the individual unit sets.  Instead these are words that students should either already know before taking the course or words that are found in test questions.  

Required Environmental Legislation