Faculty Resources

Welcome to Faculty Resources!

This page provides the following resources for faculty: 

Please let us know if there are other resources that you need or if you have a resource to share by completing this form

Semester Reminders

Heliocampus Syllabus

Your course syllabi contents appear in the “Course Syllabus” (Heliocampus) area of your course for review. Please use the instructions and screenshots in Canvas Course Syllabus (Heliocampus) Faculty Overview to review, edit, and publish your course syllabus through your Canvas course site a week before classes begin. (Heliocampus is the rebranding of AEFIS.) 


Please be sure to complete the Textbook Requirement Form below. When you submit your textbooks, they will be uploaded onto the MBS Direct website. Even if you are not using a textbook, you are required to fill out the form, and indicate “no textbook." 


To submit eReserves to the Sheridan Library, email: reserves@jhu.edu at least one month prior to the start of the semester. Please include the following information in your email:

For additional information, please visit this eReserves & Library Reserves page. 


If you have not submitted a current resume for the 2023-2024 academic school year, please send it to Carol Herrmann as soon as possible.

Instructional Design Support

Kelly Cooney is the instructional designer who is assisting the ITGL faculty with their Canvas course design. As an instructional designer, she collaborates with faculty to provide high-quality instructional design expertise through a broad spectrum of course design. 

Instructional technologists who are part of the Multimedia, Technology, and Training (MTT) team are also available to support web-enhanced courses and can help to set up assignments or copy components from a previous semester. Send an email to soe-mtt@jhu.edu if you need instructional technology support. 


A J-Card is the official university identification card. It is your ID card, your library card, and an access card to buildings at the Homewood campus. Prior to classes beginning, please be sure to obtain your J-Card.

For additional information, please visit this Obtain A J-Card page. 

 Printing at the School of Education

On the 1st and 2nd floors next to each copier there is a workstation setup.  Instructors can use the workstations to print from.

Computers are logged in with a service account. No need to log out and then log back in.

The instructor can open a web browser and access their OneDrive or other resource that they have their materials in and send the material to the copier.  

When printing a document a dialog box will open and the instructor will be prompted to enter their JHED ID to continue. The next screen will provide them with a list of cost centers to select from.  Once the cost center is selected the job will be sent to the copier.

Any problems with printing should be reported to SOE-IT@jhu.edu.


The Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED)

The Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED) system is an online, comprehensive source of contact information for Johns Hopkins University faculty, staff and students that grants access to resources like the myJH portal, SIS and JHU email.

Your JHED Login ID (which is also referred to as your JHED ID or your JHED LID) is the username that you use when you log into the JHED system.

Login into the myJHU - to access all the JHU online services and systems listed below. 

Student Information System (SIS)

Student Information System (SIS) is the JHU-wide web-based student information system.

SIS for Faculty is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making your course rosters available for review at any hour of the day. 

Course rosters are updated regularly and will reflect the most current information about enrollment in your classes.

To access and download your roster, please go to https://sis.jhu.edu (You can also access SIS through myJHU via the Education tab on the left) 

Please note, your JHED login ID and password are required to sign into SIS.

Please find attached the Faculty Quick Reference Guide for your convenience. 


Canvas is the course/learning management system used by the School of Education. All courses taught in a traditional f2f setting get a Canvas course to populate with content.

The following are minimum requirements for faculty who teach face-to-face (web-enhanced) courses.
Additional information on each requirement can be found in the Canvas course site.

Update Heliocampus Syllabus: Update session and assignment dates in your section level Heliocampus syllabus

Post Announcements: Communicate important reminders to students (e.g., materials were uploaded, or class schedule was changed).

Provide Faculty Contact Info: Include name, email, phone number, office hours and a short biography on the course home page.

Update Assignment Dates: Edit your assignment due dates in the assignment area of the course site.

eReserves: Send a request to the library for any copyright materials. Requests are typically due 4-6 weeks before the start of the semester. 

Utilize Gradebook and Speedgrader: Use for a) assignment submissions by students; and b) providing feedback on assignments.

Create Online Session (Snow Day/ Emergency / Sick Day Module): Use when you must cancel a f2f class and/or to build an online session.

Requirements and recommendations, as well as strategies and tips are outlined in the Web-Enhanced Learning resource.

JHU Email Signature Generator

Use this simple tool to create a professional, JHU-branded email signature.

Developed exclusively for Johns Hopkins University employees, the new email signature generator automatically populates your directory information into a designed, JHU-branded email signature for your official Johns Hopkins (.edu) email account (JHED login required).

If you are an adjunct faculty, you can also use the information below as your signature as it has the correct title and role. We ask that you please make sure you are identifying yourself as an Instructor | Faculty-Adjunct (casual). 



Instructor | Faculty-Adjunct (casual)

School of Education

Johns Hopkins University

2800 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218

Submitting Proof of Vaccination

Use the VMS to submit documentation of both COVID-19 and flu vaccinations.

Campus Resources

Please Note: Room 136 of the Education Building has been reserved for ITGL Faculty.

JHU Ed Building Classroom Layouts.pdf


The Homewood Campus Parking Office manages a variety of garages, lots, and metered parking on campus and in the Charles Village area. Our parking services provide secure and accessible parking options throughout our Homewood campus, ensuring that you have a convenient place to park your vehicle. 

Details about monthly and daily passes vary by location, and links to all the pertinent webpages can be found here.

Questions can be sent to parking@jhu.edu.