9. Select Save to finish, Save and Add Another to create another topic, Save and Add Materials to customize the Topic details, or Cancel to undo any changes.

After the Topic is saved, you should see an indicator showing if it has been added to the Topic Bank in addition to any user that it has been shared with.


After creating a new topic, it's added to the Topics page, though selecting it reveals a blank page with just a back button. Let's add some content.

Select the pencil icon to open the Topic design view. In here, you can modify the layout as well as add new materials and elements. Simply drag an item from the tool column and place it on the page to add it.

Materials can be added to supplement the information in the topic. This includes media files like Audio, Photos, Videos, and embeded links. You can also select a Learning Tool is applicable, add Text, or add a download that students can grab such as a document, file, or Google Drive file.

Elements can be used to further customize the look and feel of the Topic. A Horizontal Line can be added to create distinct sections on the topic. A Spacer acts in a similar way, but instead of adding a line, a small invisible section is added to create more distance between added content.


Graded Discussions enable faculty to create a discussion assignment for students to participate in and provides a way for teachers to engage with students.

Creating a new discussion

1. Added a discussion by navigating to Faculty > Classes > Assignments. Select the + Discussion button to open. Here you will enter details and set options for the discussion.

2. Title and Question/Statement are required fields. Everything else is optional including:

You can also add links, downloads, or embed items by pasting the HTML code inside the text field. For schools that use Gradebook, you can add information here as well. Finally, under Sections, you can add this discussion to other classes if needed and when they get published, assigned, and are ultimately due.

Working with a discussion

1. From Discussion detail, teachers and other faculty with access can hide questionable posts, add comments, and filter comments by students in addition to being able to apply a grade.


1. Select the topic guide you want to add a discussion to. Click the edit icon (pencil).

2. Find the location on the page you want to add the discussion to. Drag and drop the DISCUSSION option from the left tool bar.

3. Select the BACK TO TOPICS link located in the top left corner.

4. Click on the Topic Title to view it as a student. You should see your embedded discussion.

5. Type in the question you want to pose to the class and click  POST. You can edit your question at any time or delete it.


Students in China will not be able to stream youtube videos. If you have content from youtube you'd like students to video, you must download the videos and upload them into Topic Pages in your courses in MYCSW.

1 Find a youtube link and copy it

2 Visit THIS LINK and paste your YouTube URL

3 Select the MP4 and then hit the arrow to process

4 This may take several minutes. After the conversion is finished you can download the converted file

5 Right click on the download link to the right and select "Save Link As" and save to your desktop

6 Navigate to a Topic you created on a class page in MYCSW

7 Edit the Topic

8 Drag the Video content block to the Topic

9 Upload the converted video file

NOTE: Many youtube converters have spam associated. Do not click on any pop ups or install ANYTHING when prompted. Simply close and ignore. Your video will still convert and be available for download.

OTHER VIDEO CAPTURES: Y2 (make sure you select MP4 before converting)


This allows you to customize the order in which Topics appear on the page. Simply drag and drop each topic to place them in an order that works best for you.

If you have a long list of Topics already, select Top to automatically move that topic to first on the list.


Through sharing, teachers are able to import or copy topics from other classes, helping establish a better sense of collaboration.

In order to share a topic with class sections, teachers must perform the following:

Once finished, a new indicator will appear above the topic description letting others know that the topic was copied, shared, etc.