With this interactive Q&A feature, you can collaborate with your audience by allowing them to submit questions and upvote common questions so you can understand where your students need clarification during Slides presentations you deliver. 

Begin by inviting students to a virtual meeting using Google Meet. Share your Google Slides presentation tab with students. Then, begin a live presentation.

1. In Google Slides, click the dropdown arrow next to Present in the top-right corner, and click Presenter view. 

2. Click on Start new to start a presentation session.

3. You’ll see a URL displayed as a header across the top of your presentation. This is the URL that attendees can use to submit questions based on your presentation.

4. When audience members visit that URL, they’ll see a very simple interface where they can type a question into a box at the top of the screen. They have the option to ask the question anonymously if they don’t want to be identified.

5. Audience questions will appear on your (the presenter’s) screen in real-time. If you want to show a question to the audience, you can click on Present and the question will be displayed in your presentation for everyone to see. This really creates engagement between you and your audience.

NOTE: Audience members can also vote up or down (using the thumbs up and down icons) for questions. This is useful for very large presentations where a presenter might only have time to answer a few questions, and can focus on the ones that receive the most votes.