Student Insights

Reading their way through highschool

Written by Raquel Knight Photography by Raquel Knight and Addi Karns 


Mr. Kosmiski, an English and Creative Writing teacher, and Mrs. Corbett, the junior high guidance counselor, both reading lovers, realized that they could make a difference in young kids. This generated the idea of a book club. Read more 

Cranberry Student Encourages Others to Travel

Written by Lily Shook Photography by Lorainne Eck


Ady Carter, a senior at Cranberry High School and the World Language Club Secretary, shared her experience traveling Europe as promotion for upcoming international trips.  Read more

Students Visit Venango Technology Center

Written by Casey Eakin | 2/21/23

On Tuesday, October 18th, Cranberry High School’s ninth grade students took a trip to the Venango Technology Center in Oil City. Read more

Getting Involved with 4H

Written by Lorainne Eck | 1/3/22

During the summer months, kids are left to focus on hobbies of their own, but what exactly do our peers do outside of class?  One such activity is 4H.

4H is an organization that allows individuals to raise and/or show farm animals and compete in competitions such as demo derbies and tractor pulling. Kolby Williams, a 9th grade student at Cranberry High School, is one of many participants in this extracurricular activity... read more 

The Pandemic’s Environmental Repercussions 

Written by Amber Holt | 4/23/21

It is without a doubt that the pandemic and the 2020 lockdown drastically affected physical and mental wellbeing, the economy, and so much more around the world. However, one substantial effect that has seemed to frequently fly under the radar is the environmental impact, both good and bad, from the coronavirus pandemic. 

Some sources argue that the worldwide lockdown back in March 2020 was beneficial to the environmental health of our world. The stay at home order reduced air pollution for a short period of time stemming from transportation and factories. Most notably, the lockdown decreased the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions... read more

Chaos in the Capitol

Written by Bo Myers and Dylan Lu |1/12/21

Nine minutes, nineteen seconds.

That is how long Congress lasted in a joint session on January 6th to certify President-Elect Joe Biden's electoral college votes. That is how long a sense of normalcy lasted in the nation.

Not long after, we saw the Capitol Police force overran, invaders in the Capitol building, and our elected officials on the ground fearing for their lives. This is what we expect in foreign nations during a coup d’etat. As the smoke settled, we as a nation had to ask ourselves, “How could this happen?”

Let us return to November 5th, as the last mail-in ballots were being counted. In key states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, incumbent president Donald J. Trump’s lead was undone, securing victory for Democratic challenger Joe Biden. On media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and the infamous Parler, thousands of Trump voters colluded together and hatched a plot to... read more

Heroes of the Cave 

Written by Brooke Whitling | 1/29/21

*In order to secure this interview, a request had to be made and approved through UPMC headquarters in Pittsburgh. For confidentiality purposes, it was necessary for the interviewed nurse to remain anonymous. 

In the middle of March 2020, the world became a host to conditions unseen in a century. For nearly a year, society has been widely characterized by the fear of endangering family members, friends, and complete strangers, alike. People are seen taking every measure possible to avoid potential exposure: grocery pickups, self-isolation, and cyber-schooling, among others. However, not everyone is given the luxury of making these adjustments to prevent possible susceptibility; every single day, COVID-unit healthcare workers begin their shift knowing that they will face exposure. These courageous, selfless individuals can be accurately depicted with one word: heroic... read more 

Written by Brooke Whitling | 12/31/20

Written by Alexis Dehner | 12/23/20

Written by Alaina Olson | 12/17/20

Written by Audrey Frazier | 12/7/20

Written By Brooke Whitling | 11/25/20

Written by Alaina Olson | 11/20/20

Written by Dylan Lu and Alexis Dehner | 10/19/20

Written by Brooke Whitling |1/16/20

Written and photographed by Jenna Seigworth | 10/24/19

Written by Dylan Lu | 9/19/19

Written by Dylan Lu | Contributor Hannah Niederriter | 9/11/19

Written by Jenna Seigworth | 7/21/19

Written by Carly Wice and Rachael McCauley | EDITORIAL  | 6/3/19

Written by Lindsay Perry | 6/1/19

Written by Janice Irwin | 5/29/19

Written by Dylan Salsgiver | Photography by Ava Fischer | 4/29/2019

Written by Janice Irwin | 4/7/19

Written by Dylan Salsgiver | 3/21/2019

Written by Dylan Lu | 2/14/2019

Photo and Article by Dylan Lu | 1/30/19

Written by Dylan Salsgiver | Photo by Lindsay Perry | 10/28/18