Getting Involved with 4H

Written by Lorainne Eck                                                                                                                                                                                         1/3/22

Getting Involved with 4H

During the summer months, kids are left to focus on hobbies of their own, but what exactly do our peers do outside of class?  One such activity is 4H.

4H is an organization that allows individuals to raise and/or show farm animals and compete in competitions such as demo derbies and tractor pulling. Kolby Williams, a 9th grade student at Cranberry High School, is one of many participants in this extracurricular activity.

Kolby Williams was first introduced to 4H as a kid through his family, and through this organization, he and his family have been able to learn a variety of new skills. Furthermore, the people Kolby has met through 4H have had a substantial impact on his life. 

4H starts in the beginning of January and ends the second week of August for any students that may be interested in joining. Information on joining can be found by viewing the local 4H website or contacting the head of the 4H club, Kathryn Blauser.

Photography by Lorainne Eck