no more snow days?

By Jenna Seigworth                                                                                                                                                                                July 21, 2019 

a Vote to End Snow Days

Recently, Governor Tom Wolf signed a bill into effect that would remove snow days from school districts that choose to participate and turn them into telecommuting days. 

School districts now have to decide whether or not to opt in or out of the idea. So far, most school districts have showed great concern over the logistics of this bill. Although the idea seems like a great thought, many superintendents are showing concern over the smaller details of telecommuting. 

I took the time to ask some Cranberry students their thoughts on the bill before the Cranberry School District’s board meets to discuss the topic. 

The majority of students were against this idea and felt that snow days were just a part of what school had always been. 

“It would take away from the breaks that snow days give students,” said Maddy Bunyack, a rising sophomore at Cranberry. “That may seem silly, but the breaks are really needed.” 

Several other students echoed this concern and had more questions about this particular bill.

“What if some kids don’t have internet or a computer? Then what?” asked Emily Duncan, a senior at Cranberry. 

Students seem to be more concerned with resources being available and exactly how it would work if the Cranberry School Directors vote to enact this in the district this coming school year.  

Cranberry’s School Board meeting will occur today, Monday, July 22 at 7 o’clock at Cranberry Court in the Elementary School.