Sunday Practices

Written by Dylan Salsgiver                                                   Photo by Lindsay Perry                                                                  10/28/18

Sunday Practices

Written by Dylan Salsgiver | 10/28/18 | Photo by Lindsay Perry

In May of 2018, Cranberry High School’s board members motioned to establish optional Sunday practices for all sports teams. tion was initiated by Ken Brannon, a member of the school board, during the meeting, and the idea swept the room. Members provided arguments for and against the use of Sundays for practice. 

Believing that this idea could benefit athletic programs and should at least be taken into consideration, Ken Brannon had this to say: “Do I think they’re necessary? No. I just believe it should be an option presented to our coaches and athletes. Think about this, shooting a basketball is an athletic movement that is definitely improved with repetition.  If you have a Monday game and have Sunday off, it may have an adverse effect on scoring.” 

A differing opinion was offered: “I disagree with the idea unless of extreme circumstances such as District Championship game. I believe kids need a break to be themselves and to spend time with families,” said Mrs. Daugherty when asked for her opinion on Sunday practices.  

According to a student opinion advocating for optional Sunday practices,  Lauren Rembold, a cheerleader for the Cranberry Berries, stated, “I believe they are necessary because sometimes teams need more practice, especially if there is a game early in the upcoming week.”

A parent of a student at Cranberry stated, “I was extremely disappointed with the decision. Everyone’s lives are already so busy, and Sunday is the one day families have. We need at least one day to maintain a family unit which is very important for us. I also believe our students need a day to relax and recharge, mentally and physically.” 

The Berries have an outstanding athletic program.  While it is indisputable that consistent practices are necessary for the success of a sport, the question raised is Should Sunday be an option? 

Our school board considered the differing opinions, all with valid questions and reasoning, and decided to allow coaches the option of having Sunday practices. 

With that said, each Sunday practice must be approved through the school board. Time will tell if this decision meets the need of our athletic program here at Cranberry.