Information for Substitutes (Unit D)

The Cambridge Public Schools offers a range of professional learning activities and workshops throughout the school year, nearly all of which are available to substitute teachers. Many of these activities and workshops provide Professional Development Points (PDPs), in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education guidelines (please click here to learn more about PDPs).

The vast majority of professional learning activities take place within schools, as part of the building-based, department-based, and district-designed professional learning modules. Substitute teachers are welcome and encouraged to participate in these trainings, as they are nearly always relevant to the expectations of the substitute role. 

Additionally, a number of courses are offered each year through the Professional Learning Platform (PLP). Please log into the PLP and select the “Course Search” feature to view all current offerings and see which courses offer PDPs. You may register for available courses directly through the PLP.

CPS has also partnered with Master Teacher, which offers a range of self-guided online professional learning modules for substitute teachers. Please click here to learn more about how to access the Master Teacher platform.