PUNS/Home Based Services

What is home-based funding?

  • Designed for people on the PUNS waiting list.

  • When funds become available, the guardian is awarded an allowance to pay for services.

    • Families can tailor services best suit their individual needs.

  • Medicaid eligibility is required in order to obtain these services.

  • The ISC-agency will guide students and families through the different services, eligibility and how to go about the process of securing funding and obtaining appropriate services.

What is IDHS, the PAS, and an ISC agency?

  • IDHS is the Illinois Department of Human Services. IDHS consists of an umbrella of services, with seven different divisions. Persons with intellectual disabilities can receive services from IDHS under their Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). PAS-agencies and ISCs operate under this division of IDHS.

      • Pre-Admissions Screening (PAS): The PAS helps to determine the individual's eligibility for the PUNS list.

      • Independent Service Coordination (ISC) Agency: The ISC conducts the initial intake by completing the PAS with the individual and their family. Annually, they visit with individuals on the PUNS waiting list. Once the individual is selected for funding, the ISC works with the individual and their family to identify which services will be best suited to meet the individual's needs.

What is the Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)?

According to the IDHS website:

  • PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals who have developmental disabilities who are potentially in need of services.

  • The State uses the data to select individuals for services as funding becomes available, to develop proposals and materials for budgeting to plan for future needs.

When should students enroll on the PUNS list?

  • As soon as possible! Individuals can get on the list as soon as they are 2.5 years old and have a documented developmental disability (IQ below 70, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy) OR if the individual has significant limitations in 3 of 6 of the major life areas (1. Self-Care, 2. Self-Direction, 3. Language, 4. Learning, 5. Mobility, 6. Capacity for Independent Living).

What should families/parents bring to their Intake appointment?

  • The individual they are seeking services on behalf of

  • Social Security Card

  • IEP

  • Supporting medical documentation

  • Up-to-date psychological with IQ (if possible)

  • Proof of Medicaid eligibility

  • Related Service Provider reports

When does PUNS information get updated?

  • Annually, the ISC agency (Community Service Options or Community Alternatives Unlimited) will contact families.

  • Anytime a need for service changes.

  • When contact information changes such as address or telephone.

  • When caregiver information or needs change.

How does the PUNS Selection Work?

-Updated in August 2018, PUNS has two categories for selection:

    • Seeking Services: Individuals who will need supports and services immediately or in the near future.

        • Selections from the Seeking Services category will be based upon the length of time on the PUNS list.

    • Planning for Services: Individuals who are not actively seeking services at this time.

There is an exception to the above selection process:

ISCs will still be able to bypass PUNS and request immediate services if they consider an individual to be in crisis.

When will an individual be selected?

  • PUNS selections are based upon funding availability and the ability to fill program vacancies.

    • NEW! To see an individual's status on the PUNS list, parents/guardians can email DHS.DDD.PUNS@illinois.gov with the individual's name, birth date, and the message “please tell me where I am in getting selected off of PUNS?"

How do people know if they get selected?

  • Individuals selected with receive a letter directly from the Department of Human Services announcing their selection and inviting them to apply for services by contacting their ISC agency.

What role and responsibilities does the school/LEA have in regards to students and PUNS?

  • Provide correct and updated information to your families...it is our job to keep families informed!

  • Ensure that students' needs are appropriately reflected in the IEP.

  • Teach families the importance of advocacy and the difference between entitlement vs eligibility for services.

  • Follow-up with families to see if they have taken the necessary steps to obtain services.

  • Include ISC contact information in the students Summary of Performance.

  • Consider hosting a PUNS enrollment at your school or inviting your local ISC Agency to your next school event or report card pickup day.

    • If you can guarantee at least 15 parents/guardians will come to an intake at your school, the ISC agency will host on-site intakes!

Infographic_2_PUNS_PULL_Final.01 (1).pdf
PUNS flyer.pdf
PUNS Spanish.pdf

PUNS Respite Program

What is the Voucher Respite Program?

  • The Voucher Respite Program provides funding for planned and/or emergency care provided to an individual with a developmental disability, so as to provide temporary relief to the primary caregiver.

  • The Voucher Respite is on a temporary basis in a non-state funded setting, including the individual's household.

How many hours can caregivers use for respite?

  • 50-100 hours!

  • In temporary emergency situations (i.e. hospitalization of a caregiver), up to 100 hours can be approved.

Who can provide respite?

  • Family members or friends who do not live in the same home as the individual. However, exceptions can be made for siblings who live within the household and are expected to assist the parent.

What is the rate of pay for the respite provider?

  • $15/hour

How can caregivers start the process?

To apply, caregivers should call CSO* at 773-471-4740.

*Please note, anyone in the City of Chicago is covered under the Voucher Respite Waiver. This includes those who have been added to the PUNS list via Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU).

How can the school help with this process?

Please share the attached informational flyer with all of your students with intellectual disabilities and their parent/guardian(s). Remember, students and their families can only utilize this resource if they are already on the PUNS list.