Parent Portal

You can use the CPS Parent Portal to check on your child's grades and attendance. The Parent Portal allows you to register to receive alerts when your child is absent or when your child's grades drop below a certain point. The Parent Portal also gives you the opportunity to directly communicate with your child's teachers if you have any questions.

Before creating an account you will need your child's PIN. If you need this number, please contact school.

For more details: CPS Parent Portal

*NEW* Report Absences in Aspen!

CPS recently rolled out a new feature in Aspen that allows parents to report a student's absence from their parent portal account!

 I have attached a short video demonstration for your reference on how to use this feature. You can view the video here - HOW TO REPORT ABSENCES IN ASPEN-PARENT PORTAL  If you submit the absence through Aspen, you do not need to call the attendance line. 

You will also be able to submit excused absence requests for previous dates! 

When you enter the absence you will receive a confirmation email. After we are able to view your submission, you will then receive another email that it was received and whether it was approved or denied. Please note that it can take 24-48 hours for the absences to change from unexcused to excused absences in Aspen.