Unit1 Nat.Sci. Vocab.

Essential Vocabulary for this unit :

"Skeletal system":

1. Skeleton: The framework of bones that supports and protects the body.

2. Bone: A hard, rigid organ that makes up the skeleton.

3. Joint: The point where two or more bones meet, allowing movement.

4. Cartilage: A flexible connective tissue found in joints, providing cushioning and support.

5. Skull: The bony structure that protects the brain and forms the face.

6. Spine: The column of bones (vertebrae) that runs down the back, protecting the spinal cord.

7. Rib: A curved bone that protects the organs in the chest (thorax), like the heart and lungs.

8. Femur: The longest and strongest bone in the human body, located in the thigh.

9. Patella: Also known as the kneecap, a small bone that protects the knee joint.

10. Fracture: A break in a bone, usually caused by injury or accidents.


1. Muscles: Strong tissues in our bodies that help us move.

2. Skeletal Muscles: Muscles that are attached to our bones and help us move our body.

3. Flex: To bend or move a body part.

4. Contract: When a muscle gets shorter and tighter.

5. Relax: To release tension and become less tense.

6. Voluntary Muscles: Muscles that we can control and move consciously.

7. Involuntary Muscles: Muscles that work automatically and we cannot control consciously.

8. Strain: An injury to a muscle due to overstretching or overworking it.

9. Stamina: The ability to sustain physical or mental effort for a long period of time.

10. Endurance: The ability to withstand physical or mental challenges for an extended period.


The human musculo-skeletal system, often referred to as the musculoskeletal system, is a complex network of bones, muscles, and connective tissues in our bodies that work together to provide support, stability, and movement. It plays a crucial role in allowing us to perform various physical activities and maintain our body's shape. Here's a simplified explanation suitable for 11-year-old pupils:

In summary, the musculoskeletal system is like the body's framework, allowing us to stand, walk, run, play, and do all sorts of activities. Bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage work together to make it all possible.