Auto Generated Reconciliation

Advantages of auto reconciliation:

1. Users can reconcile all no-activity cost centers at once.

2. Verification sheets from PeopleSoft are generated by MyNSM and saved onto the reconciliation record (along with the MyNSM Cost Center Summary and Report).

3. Users are able to download all documents at once into separate files.

4. Users are able to update to the MyNSM Balance Report PDF

Steps to Auto reconcile

  • Under Reconciliation menu, select Generate option

  • Upload Department Verification Worksheet from Peoplesoft.

Notes: The file that downloads from PeopleSoft is an XML Microsoft 97-03 worksheet, it needs to be re-saved into an Excel Worksheet by the user.

After the file is successfully uploaded, all of the cost centers will be display on screen. You will also see the following:

    1. Statement Ending Date - This is required in order to display the appropriate options for the cost centers.

    2. Hide invalid rows - If this is checked, you will only see cost centers that are available to be reconciled for the statement ending date provided.

    3. Reconcile checkbox - If this is checked, the reconciliation will be generated and "Finish". Reconciliation pdf files will be generated. Notification email will be sent to the reconciler when the pdf files become available. This process should take about 30 minutes.

    4. Delete icon - When you do not want certain cost centers to be generated automatically, you can delete to remove from being generated automatically.

Important notes:

    • Some cost centers might show as invalid because the statement ending date does not work with the last reconciled date.

    • New cost centers have a beginning balance of "0" and an empty ending balance. To generate reconciliations, enter the "0" ending balance and then check the reconcile checkbox.

    • When generating reconciliations for cost centers with activities, reconciliations will be generated but won't be "finished".