
Payment allocation is the process of applying a payment toward an account's open items, balancing all credits and debits, and then closing all balanced items.

How to create a new reallocation

  • Click on Reallocation under Payroll menu tab.

  • Then click on the New Reallocation button

  • Provide information such as Employee, payment cycle, and speed type and distribution, and then click Search.

How to move specific paychecks from one cost center to another

Users are now able to move specific paychecks from one cost center to another (without modifying the payroll assignment). This feature can be found on the payroll payment page:

You are also able to move multiple employees on a payment page at the same time. The Move Assignment Payments feature should be treated as an internal MyNSM reallocation that is needed due to a PeopleSoft error, it will not generate a credit for the assignment's cost center, only an expense for the cost center that the paycheck posted on.

Note: The payroll report will update when utilizing this feature.


  • When a paycheck is properly reallocated in PeopleSoft, the MyNSM Reallocation feature (under Payroll>Reallocation) should be used to properly reallocate the paycheck to the appropriate cost center.

  • NOTE: the current funding source is based on where a paycheck is currently posted on in MyNSM. If you utilize the Move Assignment Payments feature to move a payment from one cost center to another, the Reallocation feature will utilize that cost center, not the assignment.

  • MyNSM allow users to override the amounts (feature similar to PeopleSoft) as needed.

  • If you have an employee with multiple assignments for the same time period, MyNSM allowS you to select the assignment that you are attempting to reallocate.

  • Any updates done through these features will be reflected on the Payroll Report (under reports).

  • Payroll encumbrances will update on the cost center summary as appropriate based on utilizing these features.