Cornell Engineers In Action

Building Bridges to Connect Communities

What is EIA?

The Cornell Engineers in Action (EIA) team works across cultures to improve quality of life and ensure that geography doesn't determine access to opportunity. We do this by building bridges with underserved communities in eSwatini and Bolivia and empowering our members to become tomorrow's global leaders.

How does EIA work?

Cornell EIA spends the school year designing and reviewing a pedestrian bridge proposal for a site in eSwatini or Bolivia, learning the culture and language of the site country, and fundraising for materials and travel. Over the summer, we send an implementation team of about 8 students to live with the community and help with bridge construction. Check out the 2019 travel team's experience in the video!

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Hang out with us!

Learn more about EIA at our Zoom info sessions (Zoom Link:!

    • October 10 @ 2PM Eastern

    • October 12 @ 6PM Eastern

Apply to our team!

Complete our application and send it to by 10/18!

Virtual interviews will be done by invitation afterward, with first acceptances given on 11/02!

We are recruiting all students from all majors for our three subteams!


Responsible for educating team on inter-cultural relations, researching relevant sociopolitical issues for our project, and preparing language and cultural lessons


Responsible for designing the pedestrian footbridges, preparing structural and material analyses, and completing EIA's design and construction review processes


Responsible for marketing and spreading awareness of our team, managing grant applications and fundraising efforts, and educating the team on best professional practices

To Learn more, fill out this form to receive email updates and check out our website!