COrnell mars rover

Come chat with us and ask us questions HERE from 12-4pm!

Recruitment details

Sign up for us to email you recruitment reminders by filling out our interest form.

We are hosting an Info Session on Sunday, October 11th at 5pm. Please visit our website for more information!

Our application is due Sunday, October 18th at 11:59pm.

About the Team

Cornell Mars Rover (CMR) is a premier student-run engineering team comprised of over 45 members from across Cornell's undergraduate colleges. Each year, CMR designs an innovative rover to compete in the international University Rover Challenge, in which the team tackles challenges such as autonomous navigation, on-site science experimentation, and extreme terrain traversal. Since its inception in 2010, CMR has consistently placed well, earning 6th in the world at the 2019 competition. Students work collaboratively to design, build, and test the rover, exploring cutting edge technologies such as machine learning, wireless communications, CNC, and 3D printing.

The Subteams


The Arm subteam is responsible for designing and engineering the rovers robotic arm and end effector. Last year, we custom designed a cycloidal drive gearbox so we could take advantage of feedback at the motor and be certain of our absolute position. This helped with precise movement and manipulability of the end effector for competition mission requirements.


The Astrotech subteam designs and builds all scientific hardware neeeded for the URC's competition science tasks. Our mixing chamber facilitates the remote conduction and observation of soil samples to help determine the presence of life. Astrotech also builds a soil conveyor system, incorporates a methane sensor, and faciliatetes the use of a filter wheel to examine rock samples.


The Drives subteam oversees the development of the rovers suspension, wheel, frame, and electronic housing. Last year, we conducted accelerometer experiments to more accurately determine loading conditions. Using these more accurate forces, the team designed unique linkages using Autodesk's generative design platform


The Electrical subteam on Mars Rover develops the hardware to run all systems on the rover by managing communication between the basestation and the rover, handling low level control of motors and sensors, and managing power on the rover. Since many mechanical components on the rover are not finalized until later in the year, we are responsible for designing flexible and robust hardware that can be adapted to changing designs.


The Software subteam handles rover controls, path planning, user interfaces, and computer vision, opperating rover controls and designs autonomuos utilizing ROS running on a Nvidia Jetson TX2. Last year, we used a ZED camera with depth perception to recognize AR tags, and have implemented obstacle detection and avoidance with both the ZED camera and LiDAR.


The Science subteam works closely with Astrotech to develop the tests needed to carry out all required URC components. Last year, we designed soil tests for inorganic materials such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous, as well as for organic macromolecules, which are all conducted through colorimetry.


The Testing subteam focuses on a major component of industry, designing tests and assembling test stands to ensure development of a successful rover. This year, we are working on integrating strain gauge and accelerometer data into a full systems profile of the rover. Additionally, we are designing new, modular test stands to be used for a plethora of components and loading conditions.

Business & Design

The Business subteam is responsible for all other aspects that are needed to build a successful team. We are in charge of team finances, web design, graphic design, social media, video editing, and both public and sponsor outreach.

Check out our 2020 rover!