Discussion rooms are necessary spaces for large groups to meet and discuss business issues. Equipped with a table, chairs, and adequate lighting at the very least. Remember discussion room is a share resources, everyone needs to follow norms of conversation and behavior that ensure respect and decency for everyone. 

Etiquette in Using Discussion Room

It isn’t respectful of other people in your business to use a discussion room without booking it. Even if you’re in need of it on short notice you run the risk of occupying the room too long. 

Scheduling an entire conference room when only two or three people are meeting seems a bit wasteful. 

Be understanding of this and cooperate with them if you can. 

It’s irksome to others to have needed the space, been unable to book it, and find out later it was available after all. 

When confidential information is discussed, one of the rules for discussion room is to close the door. 

At times, even having a phone in sight can be distracting to speakers or other attendees. Pocket your phone if you can, put it in a bag, or simply leave it at your desk.

By continuing to stay in the conference room you may be using someone else’s meeting time. Take your discussion elsewhere or schedule a follow-up meeting if it is needed. 

Practice good manners by keeping conference rooms and meeting rooms clean. Pick up after yourself and take care of forgotten items co-workers may miss too. Wipe up crumbs and messes before you leave.