CMS & Study Abroad Opportunities
Are You Looking For A Cultural Adventure Of A Lifetime?
Imagine yourself visiting ancient Inca ruins in Peru, touring a castle in Germany or taking dance lessons in Ghana. Study abroad is an adventure of a lifetime!
CMS Study Abroad Programs offer high school students the unique opportunity to increase their understanding of the world. Students learn how the knowledge of other cultures and languages gained through a study abroad experience strengthens global literacy.
CMS does not place students abroad. CMS Study Abroad staff works with study abroad agencies that are approved by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET). CSIET identifies reputable international youth exchange programs, provides leadership and gives support to the exchange and educational communities.
Ten Benefits of Studying Abroad?
Grow as a global citizen
Learn about and act on issues of globlal significance
Learn a new language or increase proficiency in world language skills
Enhance your college application
Learn about new cultures
Make new, long- lasting friendships
Understand that the world is one community-- international awareness
Gain a new understanding of yourself and your own strengths-- personal growth and maturity
Improve your adaptability
Build your confidence
For more information on Study Abroad opportunities, contact:
Henriquez, Michele
Global Studies Specialist
Phone: 980-343-2654
Fax: 980-343-5011
Email: michelel.henriquez