Galissia Graves - Tr-Z

I have served in the public school system for going on my 10th year now. This will be my 2nd year at Ardrey Kell High School. 


I am originally from of Greensboro, NC and received my Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and Masters of Education in School Counseling from The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. 

I am an advocate for all and here to make sure that students are successful in any path. I also support parents and staff ensuring that childrens' needs are being met holistically.  Education is my passion and I enjoy working with and supporting children of any age. I developed a strong sense of devotion to the community and the desire to improve the quality of life for youth through academic achievement, social emotional learning and personal growth. I believe that everyone has the ability to do great things. 

Ms. Graves was named Counselor of the Year for Guilford County in 2021


"Live every moment, Laugh every day, Love beyond words."