Class Ranking

Class rank is based on the student’s cumulative percent average. In the interest of encouraging and recognizing outstanding academic achievement, ranking is based on the type of diploma earned with highest honors ranked first, honors second, and regular third. Class ranking is determined after the seventh semester of high school. This will be the student’s official and final class rank. Students entering from home school for their senior year only will not be ranked.

Selection of Valedictorian

The selection of valedictorian shall be according to the following procedure:

  1. The valedictorian shall be selected from the Highest Honors program and shall have the highest cumulative percent average. The numerical average shall be calculated at the end of the 1st semester of 12th grade. In case of a tie for valedictorian, co-valedictorians will be honored.

  2. To be eligible for valedictorian, a student must be enrolled in CMCSS prior to and continuously following the tenth day of the student’s senior year.

  3. Foreign exchange students will not be considered.

NOTE: For the purposes of senior ranking and diploma types for Honors or Highest Honors qualified students, ACT benchmark scores must be received by the school prior to the end of Semester 1 for the ranking process and prior to the final day of regularly scheduled classes for the final diploma type. Students should plan accordingly to take the ACT well in advance so the school receives scores in a timely manner.

Ready Graduate

As proposed in Tennessee’s ESSA state plan, the Ready Graduate indicator is calculated as follows:

• Graduation rate multiplied by the percentage of students who meet at least one of the following criteria

  • earn a composite score of 21 or higher on the ACT; OR

  • complete four early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs); OR

  • complete two EPSOs + earn an industry certification; OR

complete two EPSOs + earn a score of military readiness on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT)