PHYSICAL SCIENCE G03H00 1 credit Open to 9-12
Physical Science is a laboratory science course of the basic principles of physics and chemistry, and builds the foundation to be successful in other science classes. Students investigate physical science concepts through an inquiry-based approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas of Matters and its Interactions; Motion and Stability; Energy; and Waves and their Applications in Technologies.
BIOLOGY I G03H03 1 credit Open to 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Physical Science
Biology I is a laboratory science course that investigates the relationship between structure and function from molecules to organisms and systems, the interdependence and interactions of biotic and abiotic components of the environment, and mechanisms that maintain continuity and lead to changes in populations over time. Students explore biological concepts through an inquiry approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Biology Disciplinary Core Ideas of Molecules to Organisms; Ecosystems; Heredity; and Biological Change.
A state end-of-course exam is required at the end of the second semester. The score will count a percentage of the second semester grade as determined by the Tennessee State Board of Education.
BIOLOGY I/ HONORS G03H03HN 1 credit Open to selected students
Prerequisites: Selected 9th graders who have successfully completed Science 8 Adv
Biology I Honors is based upon the same general description as Biology I. Every honors course expands upon the standard course.
CHEMISTRY I G03H12 1 credit Open to 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Physical Science, Biology I, Algebra I
Chemistry I is a laboratory science course in which students investigate the composition of matter, and the physical and chemical changes it undergoes. Students use science process skills to study the fundamental structure of atoms, the way atoms combine to form compounds, and the interactions between matter and energy. Students explore chemistry concepts through an inquiry-based approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Chemistry Disciplinary Core Ideas of Matter and its Interactions; and Energy.
CHEMISTRY I/ HONORS G03H12HN 1 credit Open to selected students
Chemistry I Honors is based upon the same general description as Chemistry I. Every honors course expands upon the standard course.
PHYSICS I G03H20 1 credit Open to 11, 12
Prerequisites: Physical Science and minimum of Algebra II
Physics is a laboratory science course that examines the relationship between matter and energy, and how they interact. This course will have a strong emphasis in the mathematics of physics. Students explore physics concepts through an inquiry approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Physics Disciplinary Core Ideas of Motion and Stability; and Energy.
PHYSICS/ HONORS G03H20HN 1 credit Open to selected students
Physics Honors is based upon the same general description as Physics I. Every honors course expands upon the standard course.
ECOLOGY G03H32 1 credit Open to 11, 12
Prerequisites: Biology I and Physical Science or Chemistry I
Ecology is a laboratory science course that enables students to develop an understanding of the natural and man-made environment, and the environmental problems the world faces. Students explore ecological concepts through an inquiry approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Ecology Disciplinary Core Ideas of Ecosystems; Biological Change; Earth and Human Activity; and Links among Engineering, Technology, Science and Society.
Human ANATOMY / PHYSIOLOGY G03H31 1 credit Open to 11, 12
Prerequisites: Biology I and Chemistry I
Human Anatomy and Physiology is a laboratory science course that includes an in-depth study of the body systems. Students explore the concepts of protection, support, and movement; integration and regulation; transportation, absorption and excretion; and reproduction, growth and development through an inquiry approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Human Anatomy and Physiology Disciplinary Core Ideas From Molecules to Organisms; and Links among Engineering, Technology, Science and Society.
GEOLOGY G03H01 1 credit Open to 11, 12
Prerequisites: Biology I and Physical Science or Chemistry I
Geology is a laboratory science course that includes an in-depth study of the Earth’s history and changes over time, Earth’s surface features and interior, and the processes affecting life on Earth. Students explore the Earth’s rocks, minerals, natural resources; and Earth events impacting the hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and geosphere through an inquiry approach. The Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are embedded in the Geology Disciplinary Core Ideas of Earth’s Place in the Universe; Earth’s Systems; Earth and Human Activity; and Links among Engineering, Technology, Science and Society.
AP BIOLOGY G03H10 1 credit Open to selected 11, 12
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology I and Chemistry I
The AP Biology year-long course is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory biology course. Students will study the core scientific principles, theories, and processes that govern living organisms and biological systems. Each student will be required to take the AP assessment created by the College Entrance Examination Board. The cost of the exam is determined by the College Board.
All AP courses are based upon a common foundation of information from the College Board’s AP program itself, the State of Tennessee, and the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System.
AP CHEMISTRY G03H16 1 credit Open to selected 11, 12
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Chemistry I
The AP Chemistry year-long course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first college year. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of chemistry including structure and states of matter, intermolecular forces, and reactions. Each student will be required to take the AP assessment created by the College Entrance Examination Board. The cost of the exam is determined by the College Board. This course doesn’t fulfill the state graduation requirement for Chemistry.
All AP courses are based upon a common foundation of information from the College Board’s AP program itself, the State of Tennessee, and the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System.
AP PHYSICS I G03H27 1 credit Open to selected 11,12
Prerequisites: Minimum of Algebra II
The AP Physics I year-long course is designed to be the equivalent to a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics. Students will learn the foundational principles of physics by exploring Newtonian mechanics; work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and an introduction to simple circuits. Each student will be required to take the AP assessment created by the College Entrance Examination Board. The cost of the exam is determined by the College Board. This course fulfills the state graduation requirement for Chemistry or Physics if the student is only taking this course.
All AP courses are based upon a common foundation of information from the College Board’s AP program itself, the State of Tennessee, and the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System.
NOTE: AP Physics I and AP Physics II will be offered altering years depending on student interest.
AP PHYSICS II G03H28 1 credit Open to selected 12
Prerequisites: AP Physics I and minimum of Algebra II
The AP Physics II year-long course is designed to be the equivalent to a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics. Students will expand their understanding of physics by exploring topics such as fluids; thermodynamics; electric force, field and potential; electric circuits; magnetism and electromagnetic induction; geometric and physical optics; and quantum, atomic and nuclear physics. Each student will be required to take the AP assessment created by the College Entrance Examination Board. The cost of the exam is determined by the College Board. This course fulfills the state graduation requirement of the fourth-year mathematics course as long as the student has earned the credits in three required math courses.
All AP courses are based upon a common foundation of information from the College Board’s AP program itself, the State of Tennessee, and the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System.
NOTE: AP Physics I and AP Physics II will be offered altering years depending on student interest.
AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE G03H25 1 credit Open to selected 11, 12
Recommended: 2 previous lab sciences (one life and one physical such as Biology I and Chemistry I)
The AP Environmental Science year-long course is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science. Students will explore and investigate the interrelationships of the natural world and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made. Each student will be required to take the AP assessment created by the College Entrance Examination Board. The cost of the exam is determined by the College Board.
All AP courses are based upon a common foundation of information from the College Board’s AP program itself, the State of Tennessee, and the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System.
COMPUTER SCIENCE G10H06 1 credit Open to 10
The Computer Science full year course prepares students to determine how and why technologies work; explore whether and how technologies may solve real-life problems; investigate procedures; create solutions; and learn about grade level appropriate computing systems, programming, data, networks, and the effects of technologies on society and individuals. This course will develop computational, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that show students how to create and use new technologies.