
Vocal Music


Welcome to the Moore Middle School Vocal Music website!

This site includes information for Moore's sixth, seventh, and eighth grade vocal music classes and extracurricular choirs, as well as the LPS All-City Girls Chorus. 

If you have any questions about any of the information provided, feel free to contact Hannah Lambert at


Moore Middle School seeks to ignite a passion in learners to create their own stories and build relationships which empower them to be courageous, empathetic, resilient and creative.

The goal of the Moore Vocal Music program is to leave a lifelong impression that will positively affect not just the way students think about music, but also the way they think about themselves, others, and the world around them. 

Our mission is aligned with the LPS District Music mission to enrich the lives of all students through the experiences of creating, performing, and responding to music. 


My name is Hannah Lambert, and I have the wonderful privilege of being the vocal music teacher here at Moore. I am so excited to meet and make music with you all.

I am passionate about students, especially middle school students, and I am passionate about music, especially vocal music. Music is a powerful tool for building skills in critical and abstract thinking, collaboration, communication, self-awareness, and creativity. It’s also a LOT of fun! I believe that both students and music have the power to change the world, and I love seeing young people grow through their involvement in performing arts. 

I am thrilled and thankful to be a part of the fabulous team at Moore, and I hope to make and share music with our students and their families for many years to come.