
Post date: Sep 11, 2019 1:57:3 AM

Dear Brothers,

Praise the Lord for the NACT! Many of us prayed in one accord for a strong impact on the 1900 students who attended this college training. We specifically mentioned our 4 Stanford students by name who attended the NACT and believe the Lord will grant us a strong beginning in September.

Just some quick updates:

1) One of our students interning at SF started going to a small group in SF and went to a blending meeting with Polish saints two weeks ago. We hope she can establish some strong connections with some SF saints who can care for her until September.

2) Another student from Capetown got connected with the saints there and went to her first Lord’s Day meeting in Capetown. She spent the whole day with the saints and thoroughly enjoyed her time with them. We are trying to connect her to some families who live nearby her home.

3) We’ve been having picnics and open homes on Friday for the students still in town to gather together.

Please pray for:

1) Further connection of our Stanford students with the saints where they are, specifically the ones in San Francisco and South Africa.

2) A lasting and long-term impact on our students who attended NACT in the weeks following up to Fall Quarter.

3) The transition of the 21 incoming saints, those who have already arrived and those who have yet to come.

4) Increased relatedness and warmth amongst the saints in Palo Alto, through more get-togethers and visitations from house to house.


Stanford Laboring Ones