
Post date: Feb 01, 2019 10:30:49 PM

Dear saints,

Since our last update, we got to blend with more saints, help to renovate the newly purchase meeting hall of the church in Glasgow(Praise the Lord!), and table at the university of Glasgow.

The more we blend with the saints, our burden towards the people of this city grow stronger and stronger.

We are preparing the meeting hall for an upcoming mini conference (March 23-24) and an open house event (April 6th) for the immediately neighboring residences. As we were doing levitical service at the meeting hall our desperate prayer was for the glory of the Lord to fill the tabernacle, and the local Scotts in Glasgow would be gained.

When we went out for tabling after an on-campus Bible study in University of Glasgow, many seekers came forward to receive tracts and Bibles (100 tracts and 14 Bibles) in one hour. This Friday the Christians at Uni club will have a progressive dinner for all of the students to bridge the students with the saints in the homes. This is to introduce the students to the saints and the homes in the church life.

Prayer Burden

1. For the timely preparation of the meeting hall for the mini conference and open house. That the Lord will bless the meeting hall with many local people so that they will have a proper representation of the city of Glasgow.

2. To gain many new students on campus and usher them into the church life.