Flight & Aviation

Aircraft Maintenance Technician

This pathway prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, service, and maintain all aircraft components other than engines, propellers, avionics, and instruments. It includes instruction in the layout and fabrication of sheet metal, fabric, wood, and other materials into structural members, parts, and fittings, and replacement of damaged or worn parts such as control cables and hydraulic units. 

To gain FAA work experience and training requirements, students must log hours and work with approved FAA-rated Airframe and Powerplant Technicians or Inspection Authorized persons. 

Pathway Course Sequence

1st Course:  210226 Introduction to Aerospace and Aviation

Grade level:  9-10

Credit:  1

Prerequisite:  None

The course covers the exploration of aerospace including, flight/aeronautics, aircraft maintenance, aeronautical engineering, and space. Students will learn about the forces that affect controlled flight, investigate properties of lift, and explore flight through a flight simulator. Students will also learn about aerospace standard materials, aviation safety, aircraft and wing design, and elements of a space mission resource system. Participation in Kentucky Technology Student Association will greatly enhance instruction. 

2nd Course:  210233 Aviation I

Grade level:  9-12

Credit:  1

Prerequisite:  None

The course covers the fundamentals of aerospace including, the development of the balloon, lighter-than-air vehicles, gliders, rockets, and heavier-than-air flight vehicles. Introduces students to the basic science of aerodynamics: including the development of aircraft from the Wright Brothers to the present day while exposing students to the various career opportunities in aviation. Participation in Kentucky Technology Student Association will greatly enhance instruction. 

3rd Course:  210139 Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Grade level:  10-12

Credit:  1

Prerequisite:  None

The purpose of this curriculum is for students to develop basic knowledge and personal skills that can be applied to a broad range of career opportunities with emphasis on aviation maintenance technology. Students will gain experience in electricity and electronics, metalworking, woodworking, plastics, and composite materials through the use of tools, machines, and materials that are basic to aviation industry. It will cover both hand and machine-tool operations and supplies background knowledge on equipment and processes utilized in aviation industry and manufacturing. The program allows students to learn basic problem-solving skills, instruction in mechanical drawing, blueprint reading, engineering CAD, and the application of the engineering concepts and mathematics. Participation in Kentucky Technology Student Association will greatly enhance instruction. 

4th Course:  Students may choose from the Elective Courses section for their fourth course.

Elective Courses

210240 Aviation Capstone

Grade level:  11-12

Credit:  1

Prerequisite:  210226 Introduction to Aerospace and Aviation AND/OR 210233 Aviation I

Aviation scope, content, and professional practices are presented through practical applications in this capstone course. In teams, students apply technology, Kentucky Academic Standards, and skills to solve aviation design problems and create innovative designs. Students research, develop, test and analyze aviation designs using criteria such as design effectiveness, public safety, human factors and ethics. Participation in Kentucky Technology Student Association will greatly enhance instruction. 

210330 Engineering Co-op I*

Grade level:  12

Credit:  2

Prerequisite:  Meet Fusion WBL Program Criteria

Cooperative education is a paid educational program consisting of in-school instruction combined with the program-related on-the-job work experience in a business or industrial establishment. These are planned experiences supervised by the school and the employer to ensure that each phase contributes to the students' Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Refer to the KDE Work-Based Learning Manual for further specifications. Participation in Kentucky Technology Student Association will greatly enhance instruction. 

* Co-op can only be taken after the first four credits are earned, OR along with another course in the pathway, OR if the student is enrolled in an approved pre-apprenticeship program. 

210331 Engineering Internship

Grade level:  12

Credit:  1

Prerequisite:  Meet Fusion WBL Program Criteria

Internship for CTE courses provides supervised work-site experience for high school students associated with their identified career pathway. Internship experiences consist of a combination of classroom instruction and field experiences. Participation in Kentucky Technology Student Association will greatly enhance instruction. 

Industry Certification Opportunity