The school day for Jets and Rockets children:

8:50 am - 3.15 pm


Your child will enter the school grounds through the


This gate is for Pathways and Nursery only

PLEASE NOTE THAT ON THE FIRST DAY OF EACH TERM, SCHOOL WILL BEGIN FOR PATHWAYS CHILDREN AT 9.45 AM. This is for staff to receive essential safeguarding and child protection training.

For updated term dates please visit our school website here

Majority of Pathways children are dropped off and picked up by the Local Authority transport and they travel either by minibus or a taxi with an escort. Our dedicated Pathways staff meets the children at their vehicle for a hand over. Some children are dropped off and picked up by their parents/carers.

The gate opens for Pathways children at 8:45am. Parents who are dropping their children in school are welcome to enter the school grounds and wait with their child at the Greenfield Gardens playground. All children are collected from the playground by Pathways designated staff. The gates then close at 8:50am.

Pathways staff will hand the children over to you or the escort at the end of the school day at the Greenfield Gardens Children’s Centre Gate.

If you have children in Pathways and the main school, please collect the youngest first. We will hold on to the older siblings! Please speak to your child's class teacher regarding any timing difficulties.

If you are arriving late, please inform the school office on 020 8452 4531 who will be able to let us know that you are waiting at the Greenfield Gardens Gate. One of our designated Pathways staff will meet you at the gate and collect or hand your child over to you.

Please note all of these arrangements will be reviewed in case of any government changes inline with the Coronavirus guidelines. Keep your eyes on all school communications for updates!


If your child is being collected at home time by another adult that the class teacher may not be aware of, please notify the office beforehand so they can pass the message on.

If your child is frequently being collected by someone else, please email to notify us.

*Pupils collected by someone who the teacher is unaware of will not be released with that person, until office staff get clarification of who is allowed to collect from the parent/carer.


For more information about the free transport to and from school provided by LA Barnet, please visit the TRAVELLING TO AND FROM EDUCATION page on The Barnet Local Offer:

The SEN Transport Policy on this page provides information on the eligibility criteria for a child of compulsory school age who attends the school designated by the Local Authority and either have the following:

· live beyond the statutory walking distances (normally two miles for pupils below the age of eight and three

miles for those aged eight and over), or

· live within the statutory walking distance, but are unable to walk to school because of their special educational need, disability or mobility difficulty (including temporary medical conditions), or

· live within the statutory walking distance, but the nature of the route means they cannot be expected to walk in reasonable safety when accompanied by a parent or carer.

Applications must be received two months before the start of the proposed course.

You can download the application form from the Local Offer page or our office staff will be happy to provide you with a paper copy of this application or send you this application on request via email. Should you need any assistance with filling out the form, please email


There is a choice of healthy school dinners cooked on the premises, or of bringing a packed lunch. Children eat in the dining hall. Lunchtime supervision is covered by Pathways Provision staff + additional meal time supervisor. Childs Hill is part of the Healthy Schools programme which aims to help children stay healthy. We encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle by making healthy food choices at lunchtime. Children have the option of cooked school lunches or bringing in a healthy packed lunch from home.

School meals

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they will be entitled to Universal Free School Meals. This is part of the government scheme therefore it is funded by the government. If your child is in Y3, 4, 5, 6, they will have to pay for school lunches. School lunch cost £2.34 per day or £11.70 per week and should be paid in advance via ParentPay. Families with children in Years 3 to 6 who receive benefits may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the school office for more information.

Packed Lunch & Snack

Your child can bring a packed lunch and a snack to school. We are very aware of the limited diets some children in Pathways have. Eating different foods can be difficult for some of our children in Pathways who like predictability and might have sensory integration differences. Please talk to us about their diet so that we can ensure we try our very best to expand your child’s diet and healthy eating habits. We do encourage children to try different foods during lunch time and we can offer some healthy suggestions in line with the occupational therapy recommendations. Your child is not allowed to bring in ANY fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate and nuts due to some children having severe nut allergy. We would prefer your child having pop corn, bread sticks or crackers instead of salty crisps in their packed lunch.


At Childs Hill we are a cashless school. ParentPay is a website where parents/carers are able to pay for their child lunch money, breakfast club, trips and workshops that will take place in or outside of school from the comfort of your own homes with just a few clicks.

Once your child has started with us, you will be given an activation letter with a username and password to access your child's account, you will then be requested to change the temporary username and password to your preference.

You will get a letter when a trip or workshop is taking place, stating how much you need to pay before the activity takes place. It is important to pay in advance for any trips or workshops.


Breakfast Club and After School Provision

Our Breakfast Club and After School Care provision for our families are being led by Neil Smith and his team. Pathways children are typically supported by their designated 1:2:1 support worker organised by their family. Please contact Neil for more information.

Click on the link below to view all the latest information about the SP@CE programme.


If your child has any medical needs, you will be contacted by our Welfare officer who will discuss your child’s medical needs.

If there is medication that needs to be taken during the day or for emergency, you will be asked to fill in a form and the medication will be requested to stay in school for any emergencies.


Tapestry is an online learning journal that we use in Pathways.

Tapestry allows us to capture key moments in a child’s learning that we are able to share with you on daily basis. Likewise, you are able to share special moments and events with us. And make comments.

Tapestry is also used as a means of communication so please make sure you check Tapestry weekly.

Once your child starts, you will receive an activation email from Tapestry asking you to create an account.


Our school aims to ensure that all personal data collected about staff, pupils, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Before your child starts with us you will be given a Parental Consent form. It is important we have permission from you whether your child’s image, video or voice recording can be used on our school social media, school website and on display in school.

As a school we need to make sure we are being GDPR compliant and following guidelines.