There are two classes in Childs Hill Pathways ARP, Jets and Rockets Class. The allocation to the classes is based on a range of criteria. Broadly, Reception children will start in Jets and they will chronologically work their way up to Rockets. However, children from the same year group may be allocated to different classes, based on the pupil’s abilities, developmental level or/and sensory needs to best match the curriculum and the environment to the individual child. As the numbers and needs of the children change each year, we have to be flexible in allocating children to the classes. All decisions are made with thorough consideration of every child’s needs.

Learning Environment- Great attention has been given to ensure that the learning environment in Pathways ARPs meet the needs and learning styles of autistic children. The set-up of each ARP includes the following facilities:

  • 2 classrooms

  • 1 room for individual and small group work (Launchpad)

  • Sensory room (Sensory Space)

  • Outdoor playground (Outer Space)

  • Toilet and a shower

All rooms and areas in Pathways have a clear purpose and structure with designated teaching zones which include group and independent work areas as well as area to socialise and relax. The low arousal environment with minimal distraction and stimulation is simplified by reduction of displays. The focus is on a meaningful and relevant visual information and where appropriate, the areas are clearly labelled with symbols and pictures. Visual cues in Pathways environment include visual timetables, schedules, rules, reward systems, choice boards, Zones of Regulation etc.

The physical structure makes Pathways environment a predictable, accessible and safer place which aids positive emotional regulation and independence by allowing pupils to know where to go, what is going to happen and what is expected of them without consistent prompts or guidance from an adult.