Consultations for all admission to Pathways will come from the Local Authority. The places in the ARP are decided by the SEN Panel which is held termly. The SEN Panel board members are the Head of SEN Assessments and Placements Team in the borough of Barnet, the Deputy Head of SEN, external professionals and representatives from the Autism Advisory Teaching Team and the ARPs. Prior to the SEN panel, parents are encouraged to visit all provisions in their Local authority.

The maximum number of pupils in Pathways will not exceed the agreed number of funded places by the Local Authority. Admitting children over this number would be incompatible with the efficient use of resources and education of others. Children will not be admitted if it would be unsuitable for their age, ability, aptitude or SEN needs. Siblings are not automatically admitted to the Pathways provision.


The referrals for admission are considered by the Executive Head teacher and the Head of ARP to ensure that the following criteria are met:



Placement will be agreed if;