College Liaison Programs

All College Liaison Programs:

A. Requirements for graduation from Chariho must be fulfilled.

B. Program approval must be in writing from Chariho and secured before college enrollment.

Early College Enrollment

Any senior who is accepted and enrolls as a post-secondary full time student in an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree program may substitute that program for his/her senior year at Chariho, upon successful completion of that school year.

Concurrent Enrollment

Any senior student who is accepted and enrolls as a part-time student in an approved institution of higher learning may take college-level courses at the same time he/she is taking the Grade 12 courses at Chariho.

Early Enrollment Program

A high school/Rhode Island College partnership, through which students may earn college credit simultaneously with high school graduation requirements.

Partnership/ Articulation Agreement

Chariho Regional High School has established agreements with specific schools wherein students can earn college-specific credits for successful completion of Chariho coursework. These credits may be transferrable or nontransferable.