At the High School, students will qualify for High Honors when their semester average for all courses is a minimum of 90%, with no single grade less than 85%. Students will qualify for Honors when their semester average for all courses is a minimum of 85%, with no single grade less than 80%.


National Honor Society is the leader among organizations and societies that promote recognition for deserving students who exhibit outstanding accomplishments in the areas of academic achievement, leadership, honorable and admirable character, and service. These characteristics demonstrate that the member is willing to use talents and skills for self-improvement and for the improvement of society.

Selection to the National Honor Society is a privilege, not a right. Students do not apply for membership in the National Honor Society; instead, they provide information which supports their candidacy for membership. There are no specific quotas or percentages of class members. There are no elections; nor is membership automatically conveyed simply because a student has achieved a specific level of academic performance. While academic criteria are important, membership is not considered on the basis of grades alone. Students are selected by the Faculty Council in a manner that is fair, non-discriminatory, and consistently applied.

The selection process:

  1. Students will be considered for membership in their junior and senior years. Consideration for admission to the society will be given after completion of five (5) successful academic semesters.

  2. Academic records will be reviewed to determine scholastic eligibility.

  3. Scholastically eligible students will be notified. Students will be requested to provide additional, verifiable information to help define the candidates’ leadership, character and service. The Faculty Council will review this information.

  4. Additional faculty input may be requested by the Faculty Council. However, the actual selection process will be made solely by the appointed members of the Faculty Council.

  5. Candidates who receive a majority vote of the Faculty Council will be inducted into the local chapter.

  6. Students who are selected for membership will be notified of their selection and given information regarding the induction ceremony.

  7. Inducted members are obligated to maintain the high standards by which they were selected.

  8. Appeals of decisions of the Faculty Council may be made in accord with the Appeals Policy.