Students will be rated on five learner qualities in each class at the close of each semester, with a summary rating reported on student report cards. The following learner qualities will be rated as “meets" or "does not meet”:

Self-Directed Learner

Learners take initiative and are active participants in the learning process. Learners make meaning by linking their story, their new learning and their purpose. Learners carefully plan their learning journey.

Quality Producer

Learners create organized and professional products. Learners always wonder about why and how. Learners take risks and explore in order to arrive at new solutions.

Collaborative Worker

Learners work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort. Learners fight for inclusion and work to ensure all voices are represented and heard.

Respectful Citizen

Learners are positive participants who engage others in the academic and social aspects of work. Learners have a sense of belonging, of being part of a learning community at school, at work, at home, and in social networks.

Growth Mindset

Learners recognize that effort creates ability. Learners know that those who work, learn. Learners demonstrate an openness and readiness to learn and understand that they are in control of their own destiny.