The Chagrin Falls Historical Society will offer (2) $1500 Scholarships.  

The Ed Shields Memorial Scholarship, and the

Don Barriball Memorial Vocational Scholarship.

--for the Barriball Scholarship, the applicant need only answer the question--

Ed Shields Memorial Scholarship

Students will be required to respond to 1 of 3 prompts with essays of not more than 500 words to apply for the Scrap Zalba and Ed Shields scholarships.  

#1 - What value does the Historical Society bring to the village?

#2 - From which of your academic, work, or volunteer activities have you gained the greatest benefit?

#3 - Why should the Historical Society consider you for one of the scholarships they offer?

Don Barriball Scholarship

Special consideration will be given to students that are in EXCEL TECC or are going on to a trade school for this scholarship.  

Below is the prompt for the Don Barriball Scholarship:

#4 - Describe your work experience and your thoughts on the value of work to the individual and to society.

The Historical Society reserves the right to adjust the criteria based on the applicant pool.  Students who have volunteered for the Historical Society, or whose families have been involved will receive special consideration.