Chagrin Falls Booster Club

The Chagrin Falls Booster Club offers multiple scholarships totaling $10,000.  Below is information on the different scholarships offered including the suggested essay prompt .  

Direction - Choose one scholarship to apply for that aligns best to your achievements.

1. The Traditional Booster Scholarship: This scholarship is for an all-around excellent student who has participated in an extra-curricular and/or service activity. The student must have played one season of HS sport/band/cheerleading.

Suggested essay Prompt:  Please describe your academic journey at CFHS - highlighting your most meaningful experiences or  accomplishments, your ability to balance academics with extra-curricular/service activity, and how these activities have shaped your character and defined your goals. How will receiving this scholarship further support your commitment to growth and academic excellence as you move forward?

2. The “Motivated to Succeed” Scholarship: This scholarship is an option for the student who can show consistent participation and a strong desire to succeed and/or excel in a non-athletic school activity, or in a sport that is not offered at CFHS.

Suggested essay prompt:  What have you learned through your focus and dedication to your chosen activity or non-school sport? Highlight the things you learned by overcoming obstacles, or describe personal growth and the skills you've acquired through your dedication to this activity/non-school sport. How will this scholarship enable you to pursue your passions beyond CFHS? 

3. The Booster Promotion Scholarship: This scholarship is an option for the student who has either been BOLSTERED or PROMOTED by the school or community, or for the student who has BOLSTERED or PROMOTED the school or community in a significant way.

Suggested essay prompt: Share a personal experience where the support of our school or community has helped you achieve a goal, or where you have done this for our school or community. Describe the support you received and what you learned from the experience, or what you believe was the most beneficial thing about the experience for you? How will this scholarship help you as you move beyond Chagrin Falls?

4. The Glenn Bomback Scholarship: This scholarship is an option for the student who has developed a technical or professional skill through Excel TECC or Chagrin Falls High School that has allowed him or her to grow as an individual and prepared them to achieve his or her future goals professionally as well.  

Suggested Essay Prompt: Please describe your journey at Excel TECC or Chagrin Falls HS highlighting your most meaningful experiences or  accomplishments, and how these activities have shaped your character and defined your goals. How will this scholarship further support your commitment to personal growth and excellence in your chosen field?