

What is an Expanded Resume?

The expanded resume is used to EXPAND on the description of each club, organization, activity, award, job, volunteer project, etc. that you participate in outside of your high school classrooms. Most college applications limit the number of characters you can type, so an expanded resume allows you to list more details.

You should include the full name of the activity or organization (don't list acronyms only), a brief description of the activity or organization, explain your specific role & tasks assigned, and the total number of hours you devoted to it.

Examples and templates are available online. Here is one example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sTC3mmsRreWoORva1zeb6qF3cDqtrERkKWc9O-gXmOk/edit

What is an Expanded Resume NOT?

It's NOT the same thing as a professional resume used to find employment, although the format looks similar. It is also NOT necessary to keep your expanded resume to one page! It's not the time to be shy...go ahead, brag about yourself! The average length of an Expanded Resume submitted to UT @ Austin is 3 pages long.