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Supplement your curriculum

We want all educators and students to have access to resources that will enhance their teaching and learning. We hope you enjoy the resources below and even take the time to share your resources with your peers.

Teacher Resources

Get connected with the CS community. Ask questions, learn about webinars and more.

Computer science lessons for all grade levels.

Our Day of STEM program partners a primary or secondary school with a local business in a one-day format or a one class period.

The Hour of Code began as a one-hour coding challenge to give students a fun first introduction to computer science and has become a global learning event, celebration, and awareness event. This event is hosted by Code.org

Alice is an innovative block-based programming environment that makes it easy to create animations, build interactive narratives, or program simple games in 3D. Alice is designed to teach logical and computational thinking skills, fundamental principles of programming and to be a first exposure to object-oriented programming.

Inspired by teachers creating Bitmoji virtual classrooms, NCWIT has assembled a set of interactive elements to help teachers make all students feel welcome and to maintain and enhance their interest in computing. By adding the elements to their own virtual classrooms, teachers can maintain a positive classroom climate, show students “possible selves” in computing, maintain student interest, and show them career and other opportunities (including NCWIT opportunities, of course).

The purpose of this guide is to improve Computer Science education for students and for communities. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has developed standards to assist Wisconsin educators and stakeholders in understanding, developing and implementing computer science course offerings and curriculum in school districts across Wisconsin.

The Barrons APCSA Practice Books plus many other Barron's AP Practice Books are available FREE on the Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, Kindle apps are available for IOS, Android, PCs and Macs.

Student Resources

AI Foundations is an online course from ISTE and IBM that provides high school students with a comprehensive introduction to Artificial Intelligence. It can be used independently by students or in a blended-learning environment, and is beginner-friendly for students and teachers alike.

Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth. Programming is magic. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using typed code.

Learn web development, programming and computer science and data science for free at codecademy. You'll have hands on access to classes that help you learn by doing.

The fun way to learn programming and develop problem solving & critical thinking skills! Ages 5-17.