Ceramics 2

Ceramic Slip Mold Project 

Care Bear, Haylie Wrage

4"x2", Stone Ware Clay, Glaze, 2023

My idea was to create the care bear within the mold. I would say this is abstract art since the colors are not realistic to the actual carebears. My process was to pour the slip into the mold and let it sit for about 20 mins, then I dumped out the slip and let it dry for a couple of days. Then once the piece was dried I took out the bear carefully. I then trimmed off any extra clay and then set it to dry and be fired. Once it was fired I went on Pinterest and found a glaze idea I liked and went for it. I layered different colors onto the fired bear and then waited for it to be fired. If I did it again the only thing I would change would try to incorporate pink or purple into the glaze. 

Ceramic Bust Flower Pot, Haylie Wrage

20"x 20", Stone Ware, Glaze, 2023

My idea was to make a flower pot but as a bust. I started with building armachor with pop cans and paper towel rolls to make the head and shoulders and a ball of newspaper to make the head. Then I began wrapping coils around the armachor and head. After covering the entire thing I began smoothing out the coils and adding eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and other small details like eyebrows. Once I was done with all the facial features I let it sit out to dry. Once it was hardened enough, I began pulling out the paper towel rolls and newspaper. Then it was hollow and ready to fire. While I waited for it to be fired I found a glaze on Pinterest that I liked and began finding the colors. Once it was fired and sanded I glazed it and she was done! When the audience looks at this I just want them to see a person, not a man or woman, but since it doesn't look human with the colors it's easy to not know what they are. The style of art is realism mixed with abstract. She looks human, but is a mix of all types of colors.  If I had to go back I would make her less masculine looking, so kind of has a big face and manly features. 

"Pickles" Haylie Wrage 

18"x16", Stone Ware, Glaze, Hot Glue, 2023

My idea was to make a pickle jar, as a cookie jar. I started with a flat slab cut into a circle and started coiling upwards, flattening the coils as I went. Once I had a nice jar, I started making small replica pickles. After I made enough pickles to cover the jar I sliced them in half and hollowed out the inside. Then i slipped te rip of the pickle and the jar and stuck it on. I then added indents and warts to the pickles. Then I found out o had to hollow the pickles out threw the inside of the jar, so I did that to what I thought was all the pickles. Then it was fired and came out perfect except 3 pickles. Then I tried to glaze the pickles back on. I selected 3 different green colors for the pickle jar. It was fired and the pickles still fell off again. Then I hot glued to pickles back on the jar and it was done. The style is realism, kinda? I wanted to pickles to look real and like an actual pickle jar, but theres a goofy pickle handle. Id I could go back id double check to make sure all the pickles were perfectly hollowed out before the first firing. 

"Box TV" Haylie Wrage 

15"x22.5", Cardboard, hot glue, yard, wire, beads, fake flowers, paint markers 

I got this idea of Pinterest but added my own twist. We all remember the huge TV's, TV's are all slim these days. Anyways, I started by taking a cardboard box and gluing it shut. Then I cut a hole for the tv screen and cardboard pieces to add buttons and knobs. Then I added vines with green yarn and glued small flowers and beads. Then I outlined some of the buttons and knobs with a pink and black marker. This is surreal since it's a TV, but has vines in it. If I had to go back id find some bigger flowers and leaves.