AP Art 

Haylie Wrage "The Colors We Feel" Series 

Magazines, Acrylic Paint, Paper, Mod Podge, Acrylic Markers, Noodle Letters, Air Dry Clay, Gems, Bubble Wrap

I got my idea for these artworks basic solely on what these colors make me feel. I used past experiences involving colors, how colors made my heart and eyes feel, and what emotions generally are known from these colors. My process for this series was simple. Before starting, I would think about what color and feel I would focus on in the specific piece. After deciding what to focus on, I would gather my magazine-cutting supplies. I would use the Exacto knife and the hardboard that goes underneath. I would skim through the magazine searching for the specific color, if it could be used for color or feel, I would keep it. After collecting my craps, I would piece them together on paper and glue them down. I then would add shapes and lines that also went with the mood. There is symbolism in the artwork with the symbolism behind the colors and images I decide to use. I use images of the feelings, colors of the feeling, and placed words that went along with the artwork. My largest struggle with this series is making sure I get the meaning behind the colors. As an artist I know colors and images can be depicted in many ways, I ensure the mood behind the artwork by adding words. If I could change one thing I could let the acrylic markers fully dry before the glossy coat on top. Not letting them dry, there is bleeding on the bottom from one of the markers not being dry. My art style would be abstract, mixed media, and realistic. I believe in realism because of the realistic magazine images I tend to include in my art. Mixed media and abstracts come from the shapes and colors I use in my art. I love the message behind my art most, we don't have to go into great depth with emotion in art. You can express emotions with just colors.