Location Of The Ghettos

The ghettos were located in Europe. You wouldn’t find ghettos anywhere out of Europe. Europe had at least one thousand ghettos. But there was only a few major ghettos such as, Warsaw, Lódz, Amsterdam, and Minsk. These ghettos were usually around 1.3 miles because of the limited amount of land. There were 3 types of ghettos, closed, open, and destruction.

↓ If you do not know what the difference is look right below ↓

A open Ghettos- had no walls or fences

Closed ghettos- surrounded by walls

destruction - were tightly sealed off

Ghetto's throughout Europe

Now so you can get a better picture, here are all of the ghettos layed out through Europe. You can see that throughout time they spread out quite well, and they didn't just stay in City's.

(This image shows all of the Ghettos in Europe.)

The Warsaw Ghetto

(Warsaw Ghetto on map.)

This is Warsaw Ghetto. Warsaw is the biggest ghetto throughout Europe. Most ghettos are half the size as this one.

Also, most ghettos are located in countrysides, and not next to City's . They do not want anyone to have to be going hunting, or for a walk and run into the side of one. So, they locate these ghettos in least populated places.