Hunger & Starvation

Starvation in the ghettos was the main cause death. The amount of food given to them would change from day to day or week to week. Since they barely received any food, they weren’t allowed to have more than 1,000 calories a day. They were only aloud to have 14 oz bread, 0.9 oz fat, 4.5oz meat, and 1.75 oz sugar a day.

Average human intakes around 2,500 calories per day, so just imagine cutting that down to approximately 1,500 calories.

Kids in the Ghetto

In the ghettos they'd make sure the children got the most amount of food . Jews in the ghetto would be so starved you would be able to see there ribs.

Children in the ghetto also got any spare clothing to cover up with.

(Kids in the Ghetto got most amount of food they had left)