Education & Worship

Schooling and worship were no longer jews rights in the ghettos after the “Kinder Aktion,” from back in March of 1944, where the Nazis took over 2,000 children. After having so many children leave, Hitler found it useless to have a education system.

But even before they took it away, they were not aloud to have any amount of higher schooling. Also, just because they took the school's away does not mean they stopped education. The jews started up a secret underground system. They would be held in parts of the ghetto where no one would go such as junk yards or broken down buildings.

A room that could be used for teaching

In the ghettos they would find buildings or spots that no one would go looking for and have teachings there. This room is kind of similar to what they'd be studying and learning in. It wasn't nice, but it was good enough for them.

(Abandon room that could be used for jewish schooling.)