Painting 2

Grant Gregoire"Covering Bases"

12x12, Acrylic Painting on a canvas,2022

My identity painting was a picture of me playing baseball. I grew up playing baseball since I could walk. So I decided to challenge myself and try to paint the picture my mom took of me.

This painting took a long time, I didn't have confidence in myself because I thought I was going to ruin the painting if I made one mistake. I used acrylic pens which helped me a lot during the process of the painting.

This artwork means a lot to me because baseball is a sport you can play during your school years and this was my last game of travel ball, so it means a lot to me. I want my audience to know that I play baseball. They can see that from the painting I did.

The most difficult thing of this painting was probably the pants, making them too big towards the leg was hard, also the color of the jersey was hard to blend, so I had to use white which is a lot easier to blend that color.

This style of artwork is realistic because it is a picture of me playing baseball, which is my favorite sport. This is the sport I have played since I could hold a ball and crawl around.

Grant Gregoire "Air Pollution"

12x12, Acrylic paint on canvas, 2022

When we got told we had to do social issues I just thought air pollution would be great because the air quality is not good because of all of the factories and the smoke coming out of all of them. If I could choose another social issue would be animal abuse and I could draw my dog.

First I used a ruler to make my pipes even so they aren't messed up then when I finished all of them I painted them gray. Then I added the smoke using a sponge which made the clouds look like smoke coming out of the top of all of the pipes. Which is the bad air quality.

This painting means a lot to the world because this is a world problem and the only way we can fix it is if they keep the air clean for us to breathe in. I want my audience to know that air pollution can affect our air quality and what we breathe in and what comes out of the smoke.

The most difficult part was making sure my gray was around the pip and not outside the line because it would take me 2 or 3 times to make the straight line but overall, when I got it done it looked amazing. If I could restart I would make a different color sun in the background and let smoke go across it.

This type of artwork is realistic because it looks like all the pipes at the factories and how it shows the air pollution in the air. I like painting. My first painting was a lot better than this one.