Ceramics 1

Grant Gregoire"Cereal Bowl"

Stoneware and Glass, 4x4x3,” 2022

My idea of this bowl was I was going to make it tall and thick but all it did was make it wide, which I thought I could use for cereal because I like cereal. I didn't really have an idea because it was my first time on the wheel so I thought lets see what I can do then I made it look like a bowl. I didn’t really have any inspirations, just like cereal so that is why I did that.

First thing I did was centering then you put one finger in the middle and put a hole. Then you expand it by pinching your fingers together then pulling up but it never worked it just made it thick. I only used my fingers as the tools, I'm not good enough to make any designs on the sides of the bowl.

This artwork means a lot because it was my first ever wheel throw and I liked it because it was perfect to eat stuff out of. But I think I won’t because I don't know what the glass does. But My audience will know what it looks like because most people eat cereal for breakfast. There isn’t no symblioc imagery but I could have put symbols on the bowl.

The most difficult thing for me on the wheel is making it taller because it either gets a hole on the side. I just made it wide so it would not tumble down. It was a good, nice size bowl for me, when I eat my cereal. One thing I did to overcome the struggle was not to get mad easily because if I do that I would just wanna be done, even though I can do my best.

This style of art is realistic because I can use it in the real world but my moms put coins and everything in it. It is my personal style because I like to eat cereal and I could eat it in the afternoon sometimes for breakfast but not usually. I like this artwork because I get to make it what I like to do.

"Tyga Woods" Grant and Will.mp4

Will and Grant "Tyga"


Our first idea was going to be golf because we play golf every weekend. We got this idea from Tiger Woods because he is the face of golf, but last year he got in a bad car accident and he is lucky to be alive. He played in the masters and the PGA championship. He had to withdraw from the tournament last weekend.

The process was coloring the paper green like the putting green then we had to use some white clay to make our ball. Then we made other colors to make tiger woods. We used imovie and sounds on imovie to make the stop motion video good. This artwork means a lot because we just started playing golf together last summer and I think we really improved our golf game.

Some things we want our audience to think about our stop motion video is that we really like to golf together during the summer. We are going to play golf everyday with each other. And i think we will get better during the summer so when golf season comes around we will be good. The most difficult thing was probably setting the pictures up but everything else is easier. This type of movie is realistic because it is a real person.